What is a dissertation?

Do you know what a dissertation is? THE dissertation it is among the five main textual types (dissertation, narration, description, injunction/prescription and exposition). The type of dissertation – in its argumentative-dissertation modality – very much in demand in public examinations and entrance exams, is the type chosen for the assessment of the Writing of the National High School Exam. For these reasons, it is essential that you know its discursive characteristics, elements that allow us to recognize it among the other types. Come on?

The main characteristic of the dissertation text is the defense of an idea, of a point of view, or even the questioning about a certain subject. So that the clarity of the exposition of ideas is not compromised, the dissertation text can be divided into three different parts:

  • Introduction: This is when you should present the idea or point of view to the reader/broker. It must be brief and not present many elements that clarify the text's content in advance, as this must be done in the development, the part that we will see below.
  • Development or argumentation: in this part of the essay text you should develop the point of view in order to convince your reader; to do so, you must make use of consistent arguments, create examples, make comparisons, resort to expert opinions, provide data (true, always), etc.
  • Conclusion: final part of the text, the conclusion closes the text, and must be coherent with its development, that is, it must be coherent with the arguments presented.


  • The language of the essay text
  • Planning the dissertation
  • The grammar of the dissertation
  • Discover a 1000+ essay on Enem!

The language of the essay text

The essay text requires the use of a non-literary language, that is, the function must prevail in it. referential, predominant genres whose main intention is to inform in an impartial and objective. Words should always be used in their denotative senses, which means that figures of speech and other stylistic resources should be avoided. It is essential in dissertation texts the coherence of ideas and the use of cohesive elements, especially the conjunctions that explain the relationships between the exposed ideas.

Therefore, you may have noticed that writing a dissertation text is not function-centric. poetic of language but in the placement and defense of ideas and in the way these ideas are articulated. If it is essential to use figures of speech, remember that they must always be used when they present argumentative value, that is, as an additional instrument for the defense of a certain idea.

Planning the dissertation

In order not to run the risk of running, running, running and not getting out of place when it comes to developing arguments and points of view in a dissertation text, It is important that you come up with an action plan that ensures that ideas are progressive, that is, that ideas move towards completion. That's why you should plan your text well, trying to prepare an outline (remembering that the outline should not be confused with a draft, right?).

Here we go: each dissertation, depending on the theme and the argument, asks for a scheme. For example, a subjective dissertation allows the text producer to use certain resources that would be out of place in an objective dissertation. Although there is no standard outline, there are some elements that can be applied to all types of dissertations when designing the outline:

The first step is to make sure that you understand the proposed topic, as a well-done scheme will do nothing if the quality of the arguments is to be desired. Then, the outline must be divided into the parts that make up the essay (introduction, development and conclusion), which here will be represented, respectively, by the letters a, b and c. In the introduction (a) of your scheme, you must put the topic that will be defended; in development (b) you must put the words that summarize the arguments you will present to support the thesis; in conclusion (c), a word that represents the conclusion to be given to the text.

It is common that during the elaboration of the scheme we are inundated with countless ideas. No problem, write them down, even if you're not going to use them. These ideas usually appear in no order, so it is important that you later order them according to their degree of relevance, a process we call idea hierarchy. This process can be done through numbers assigned to the words that appear in the diagram, according to the order in which they will be used in the production of the text. Take an example:

Theme: The death penalty: are you for or against?

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  1. against it doesn't solve
    1. right to life - religion
    2. other countries - USA
    3. miscarriage of justice
    4. lower classes
    5. tradition
  2. ineffective: solution: poverty eradication.

Note: In the writing of the National High School Examination (Enem), in addition to presenting the conclusion for the text, the candidate must also prepare a proposal for intervention for the problem, which will consist of presenting viable and applicable solutions in a short period of time, capable of solving the problem suggested by the proof.

After making the outline you must follow it step by step, transforming the words into sentences, which will give shape to the writing.

The grammar of the dissertation

It is important to be aware of the formal aspects of the dissertation: it eliminates the abusive use of figures of speech, as well as the connotative value (outside the usual, dictionary meaning) of words. Due to its characteristics, the essay text requires a more sober, denotative, concise and objective language, for that you should opt for the use of the third person.

Contrary to what the narration demands of us, the dissertation does not present a temporal progression; the generic, abstract concepts and, in general, are not tied to a situation of time and space; hence the use of verbs in the present tense. Unlike the description, characterized by the use of the simple period, the dissertation works with the compound period (usually, by subordination), with the chain of ideas, so it is essential to use the connectors correctly so that the text is clear, elegant and cohesive.

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Written by Carlos Eduardo Lopes Marciano, 19, from Rio de Janeiro:

the true price of a toy

It is common to see commercials aimed at children. With the existence of famous characters, songs for children and theme parks, the industry of products aimed at this age group is growing in a way never seen before. However, given the age of this audience, the question arises: would children be prepared for the bombardment of consumption that advertisements convey?

There are those who doubt the media's ability to convince. However, such devices have already been responsible for changing the course of history. The press, in the 18th century, disseminated Enlightenment ideas and was one of the causes of the fall of absolutism. But it is not necessary to go that far: in a redemocratized Brazil, political advertisements and electoral debates are capable of defining the result of elections. It is impossible to deny the impact of an advertisement or well-structured rhetoric.

The problem arises when such discourse is aimed at children. Commercials for this age group follow a certain pattern: decorated with themed songs, the scenes show children, in groups, using the product in question. Such “marketing” maneuver ends up transmitting the message that acceptance in her group of friends depends on whether or not she has the same toys as her colleagues. A strategy like this generates an endless cycle of consumption that abuses children's little capacity for discernment.

It is clear, therefore, the need for an expansion of current legislation in order to limit, as already happens in countries like Canada and Norway, advertising to this audience, aiming at the prohibition of abusive techniques and inadequate. In addition, it is necessary to focus on awareness of this age group in schools, with teachers who address this issue in an understandable and responsible manner. Only in this way will we build a system that, at the same time, manages to sell its products without taking abusive advantage of child ingenuity.

Luana Alves
Graduated in Letters

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What is a dissertation?

Do you know what a dissertation is? THE dissertation it is among the five main textual types (dis...

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