Types of vegetation in Brazil and the world

What is vegetation? Vegetation is the set of plants in a given region, with the type of vegetation in each region being directly linked to the type of climate.

However, this rule can only be applied to natural or native vegetation, because the formation plant is the first element of the landscape and, therefore, the first element that is modified by the men.

If you don't know what the types of vegetation in Brazil and the world, this article is for you. Keep reading.


  • Vegetation of Brazil
    • Amazon rainforest 
    • Atlantic forest 
    • Caatinga 
    • thick
    • wetland 
    • southern fields 
    • Araucaria Forest 
    • mangroves 
  • Vegetation of the world
    • Desert
    • Steppe
    • Tundra
    • coniferous forest
    • temperate forest
    • Tropical forest
    • savanna
    • mountain vegetation
    • mediterranean vegetation

Vegetation of Brazil

As a country with continental territorial dimensions, Brazil is home to eight types main natural vegetation, being them:

Amazon rainforest 

Forests of the Amazon Forest
Amazon rainforest

With equatorial climate and known as Legal Amazon, is home to millions of animal and plant species, and is of vital importance to the planet's environmental balance.

It is classified as a Latifoliate forest formation, as its leaves are broad and densely clustered, usually reaching great heights.

Atlantic forest 

Atlantic forest
Atlantic forest

THE Atlantic forest it is characterized as a tropical rainforest and a humid tropical climate. It was the vegetation that suffered the most devastation in Brazil, with only 7% of its original coverage remaining.

It was a vegetation that extended from Rio Grande do Norte to the Rio Grande do Sul, but which was intensely degraded by the Portuguese for the extraction of wood and planting of sugar cane.



It is a typical vegetation of the semiarid climate, located in Brazilian Northeast. This vegetation has thorny plants that impoverish the soil, making the development of this region even more difficult.



O thick is a typical vegetation of the Brazilian Central Plateau, of semi-humid tropical climate, and considered the second largest plant formation in Brazil. Despite its landscape being composed of low, gnarled trees, it is the most biodiverse vegetation on the planet.

It is only in recent years that environmentalists have been concerned about this ecosystem, which suffers from various environmental damages caused by soy, sugarcane and cattle ranching.



Located in Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, is considered a transitional vegetation, that is, a heterogeneous vegetation formation composed of different ecosystems.

At certain times of the year, some portions are flooded by the floods of rivers and it is only during the dry season that vegetation develops.

southern fields 

Pampa or southern fields
Pampa or southern fields

This vegetation is also known as “pampas” and is characteristic of a subtropical climate. They have low vegetation with a predominance of grasses and grasses.

Araucaria Forest 

Mara de Araucarias
Mara de Araucarias

This vegetation is located in the Paraná, and is typical of subtropical climate. It has a predominance of pine trees and its original coverage is almost non-existent due to the intense exploitation of wood for the manufacture of furniture.


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It is a type of vegetation with a coastal formation, mainly characterized by encompassing several vegetation types. Mangroves occur in lowland areas, where they are subject to tidal action.

Vegetation of the world

All over the world, nine main types of vegetation are highlighted, namely: desert, steppe, forest of conifers, temperate forest, tropical forest, savanna, tundra, mountain vegetation and vegetation Mediterranean. Understand the difference between them.


Namibia Desert

It is the typical vegetation of semiarid, arid and hyper-arid regions. In these regions the amount of rain is very low, which makes the development of animal life and vegetation impossible in most of the deserts.



In this type of vegetation, the predominant climate is continental temperate, common in central North America, south-central South America, Central Asia, eastern Australia and southern Africa. The vegetation cover is composed of grasses and small shrubs.


Tundra Biome
Tundra Biome

Tundra is the predominant vegetation in the extreme north of the Northern Hemisphere, where it has low temperatures. This is composed of grass and reeds.

coniferous forest

coniferous forest
coniferous forest

It is common in regions with low temperatures, where the climate is cold continental or polar. Most trees have needle-shaped leaves, which is a way of not accumulating snow, such as pine trees.

temperate forest

What are Temperate Forests
temperate forest

This vegetation is typical of temperate climate regions, with four seasons well defined: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The main vegetation is oak, beech and maple.

Tropical forest

Tropical forest
Tropical forest

It is located in regions close to the equator. The average temperature, humidity and amount of rain are quite high. The fauna and flora are diversified, such as what occurs in the Amazon rainforest, which is the largest rainforest in the world.


Savanna Biome

Also known as cerrado, the savanna it is common in central South America, northern Central America, as well as areas of Australia and the African continent. The trees are small and have a crooked stem.

mountain vegetation

mountain vegetation
mountain vegetation

This vegetation is common in high points, such as the Andes, Himalayas, among other mountainous regions. The vegetation is not very diverse, as the climate is not conducive to its development.

mediterranean vegetation

mediterranean vegetation
mediterranean vegetation

Last but not least, the Mediterranean vegetation. This vegetation is composed of several small trees, such as olive trees and cork oaks.

Related content:

  • Temperate Climate in Brazil – What is it, Fruits, Vegetation, Regions
  • Climate of the Southern Region of Brazil - Summary, characteristics, vegetation
  • Caatinga
  • Pantanal: Biomes, Animals, Images, States, Fauna and Flora

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