11 Fun Dynamics for Women

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Regardless of the social group, for moments of socializing, there is nothing better than holding meetings to exchange experiences, rediscovering friends, meeting new people and why not, doing some interaction dynamics and reflection.

Meetings aimed at this audience are very common in universities, churches, corporate environments and events in general. Specially designed to raise issues of the female universe, they are generally places to enhance the capabilities of women and encourage them to go further.

The dynamics for women, during the meetings, play a very special role, since, from simple and improbable gestures, it is possible to extract a series of lessons.

So don't waste time! At the next meeting, in addition to perfecting the decoration, soundtrack and snacks, set aside some games to play with your guests. Next, we made a selection with the best dynamics for women.


  • Dynamics of the surprise box
  • Dynamic coloring feelings
  • Dynamics of the disposable cup
  • Dynamic web of relationships
  • Shark and island dynamics
  • instagram story viewer
  • Dynamic letter to you from the future
  • Dynamics of wands
  • Dynamics secret friend of colors
  • Millionaire smile dynamic
  • Dynamic talent show
  • Dream dynamics

Dynamics of the surprise box

This dynamic takes a little work to organize because it requires advance preparations. However, the effort is rewarded by the end result, as it allows women to reflect deeply on their qualities, often overlooked in their daily lives.

Material needed:

  • A box with a lid and a mirror placed at the bottom for each participant.


  1. The organizer will start the execution by handing out a small box to each of the women, emphasizing that inside it is a photo of a very special person.
  2. Then she must direct them all to open simultaneously. Women's reaction is almost always one of surprise and lots of laughter. From there, each one should look at their image reflected in the mirror and say what their greatest qualities and strengths are.
  3. It is a unique moment to rescue the participants' self-esteem and self-knowledge, making it clear that all people have unique characteristics, and more than that, should be valued by they.

Dynamic coloring feelings

Sharing is often a way of finding relief and comfort for the problems we are going through. That's because, when we open up about a difficult situation we're going through, we have the opportunity to hear other points of view, and therefore, see other possibilities for solving the conflicts.

Material needed:

  • Strips made with colored paper.


  1. Start by asking participants to silently think about what they are feeling at that moment, their deepest feelings and longings. Then ask them to choose a colored paper ribbon that represents what they thought.
  2. Afterwards, ask those who chose the same color to gather in groups. The aim is to share feelings so that everyone can speak and contribute. At the end, bring the women together to discuss what the experience was like and how it can help with the difficulties.

Dynamics of the disposable cup

Also used to encourage reflection and provide self-knowledge, the disposable cup dynamic can be used in different contexts and with different themes. The goal is to get women to identify some points where they have neglected themselves.

Necessary materials:

  • Disposable cup and pitcher with water.


Before the game starts, write some questions related to the female universe, but mainly in the sense of remembering pleasant things that are often overlooked, such as by example:

"Do I take care of my health?"
"Am I happy with my job?"
“Does my relationship complement my days or does it make me feel so empty?
"Am I just living for work or am I spending time with the people I love?"
"When was the last time I took a day to myself?"
"Am I making conscious use of my money or am I indebted with clothes and shoes?"
"Having paid enough attention to my body's signals?"

Put the papers with the sentences into a container and start taking them out one by one. At each reading, if the participant's answer is negative, she must remove a tape from the disposable cup.

When all the questions are finished the cups will be in strips. Offer water to the participants, trying to pour it into shattered glasses, which will obviously be impossible. So it is with people. It is necessary to learn to value the little things that complete us, learn to take care of ourselves and repair what makes us wrong.

Dynamic web of relationships

The purpose of the game is to show women how important relationships and ties with those around us are. Furthermore, it is essential to observe how external agents can influence us, both for good and for bad.

Material needed:

  • A roll of string.


  1. With participants sitting in a circle, hand the string to one of them and ask them to use the end to curl around their finger. She will introduce herself and toss the scroll to another woman, who will do the same thing, loop her finger around, introduce herself, and toss it to another woman.
  2. In the end, a great web will have formed. Start a discussion about the importance of the people around us and the relationships we build with them.

Shark and island dynamics

In encounters of women who don't know each other, the shark and island dynamic is great to provide moments of initial interaction and break the ice.

Material needed:

  • Newspaper sheets and speaker.


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  1. Reserve a place with reasonable space so that participants can move around freely. Spread out a few sheets of newspaper and explain how the game works. The ground represents the sea and the newspapers will be the islands. Every time they hear the word “shark” they should run and position themselves in one of the newspapers.
  2. If they stay off the island they will be caught by the shark and will be eliminated from the dynamic. To make the moment more relaxed, choose a very lively song to be the soundtrack.
  3. After the first few times, to increase the difficulty level, start taking out some newspapers. When there is only one woman left on the island, bring all the others together to explain the meaning of the game. Despite all the adversities along the way, there will always be a place of safety, whether in the family, church or among friends.

Dynamic letter to you from the future

Regardless of the reason, people, especially women, often find themselves lost, not knowing which direction to take in their lives. This identity crisis is quite common after marriage or motherhood. Therefore, this dynamic is very efficient to set new goals and start thinking about new dreams.

Material needed:

  • Sheets of paper, envelopes and pens.


  1. Bring all the participants together and ask them to write down what their biggest dreams are and what they can do to get closer to them. Suggest that they set some goals, mainly for the short and medium term. When they finish, collect all the sealed envelopes and agree on the return date, which can happen in two ways, in a new meeting or by post.
  2. Setting goals is an added incentive to fight for your dreams and put projects into practice. Awaken in them the desire to fulfill the plans and achieve what they most desire.

Dynamics of wands

In a world where it's all about competitiveness, unity between women can make a difference at home, at school, at work or at church. Use this dynamic to show how

Material needed:

  • Barbecue sticks.


  1. Divide the women into small groups and distribute some toothpicks. First, have someone hold just one and break it in half, which will be done very easily. Then ask someone else to do the same thing, but using five toothpicks. Despite being a little more difficult, it won't be impossible to break them.
  2. Afterwards, ask one of them to hold the remaining beam and try to split it in half using only the strength of your hands. The execution of the task will be practically impossible. Use this to promote a reflection on the importance of unity.

Dynamics secret friend of colors

The existence of friction in large groups of women is very common. Whether at school, university, church or work, some misunderstanding will always arise. To try to improve the atmosphere and resolve differences, nothing better than doing some interaction dynamics. In this sense, the secret friend of colors is an excellent option.

Material needed:

  • Pieces of paper of the same size and containing a color name (eg blue), which must be the same for all.


  1. Gather the women into a circle and ask each of them to take a piece of paper. However, without telling the others what color is written on it. Afterwards, the organizer explains that when she speaks the name of a color, the corresponding pair will have to run to the center and embrace.
  2. To create suspense, start by speaking colors that are different from the ones on the papers. Obviously no one is going to go downtown. When they start to suspect that something is wrong, the organizer will say the right color. At this moment, they will all run to the center in a group hug. Take the time to discuss the importance of unity in that environment.

Millionaire smile dynamic

One of the best things about dynamics is that they make us aware of important things through very simple gestures and attitudes. One of the most satisfying things in life is smiling, but we often forget that even the simplest things can make our day and other people's days better.

Material needed:

  • Five paper balls per participant.


  1. Distribute the balls among the women, put on some lively music and ask them to start walking around the space. When the music stops everyone must find a pair.
  2. Standing facing each other, eye to eye, whoever smiles first should give a ball to the other participant. Whoever, in the end, has the most balls wins

Dynamic talent show

Over time, a drop in women's self-esteem is very common. In addition to not feeling as beautiful as they used to, with the arrival of old age they also begin to believe that they are no less useful. The dynamic is to follow is a great tip to ward off these feelings and proves that, yes, they have a lot to teach us.

Material needed:

  • Objects and materials brought by the participants.


  1. Talent show is a dynamic that makes the most sense for women who date weekly. So, at the end of a meeting, ask them to bring something next to them that represents what they do best or that they like a lot. It can be recipes, fine arts, sewing, embroidery, crafts, books, music, and whatever else they think.
  2. On the day of the new meeting, ask each participant to stand up, present their object and say why it is important to them.

Dream dynamics

Dreams are one of the most private things in a person's life. Therefore, when we want something, the tendency is to reserve that desire in the depths of our being. Hence that phrase that says “dreams are the fuel of the soul”. This dynamic works not only with our goals, but also teaches us to respect other people's wishes.

Material needed:

  • Paper, pen, balloons and toothpicks.


  1. The organizer should ask each woman to write her biggest dream and place it inside a balloon, which will have to be inflated. She will then hand a toothpick to the participants and ask them to defend their dreams. With the pointed goal in hand, it's natural for all of them to pop each other's balloons.
  2. After the moment, a discussion will be launched, “why did they destroy each other's dreams?”. The intention is that they understand that to reach a goal it is not necessary to underestimate the dreams of others, on the contrary, joining forces is one of the best ways to achieve what you want. want.

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