Do you intend to get a good grade in And either, pass the entrance exam, be well regarded in the selection process of the internship or even conquer the long-awaited vacancy that you want at work? So, tune in to these tips!
There are countless phrases and keywords to start an essay and make your writing have a good grade and be well regarded.
And if there are terms that positively impact the narrative, there are also those that should be avoided at all costs. If inserted, they can cause confusion in the reader's mind, not allowing the clarity. Therefore, it is essential that you dedicate time to the first words of the text.
How to start writing?
The Portuguese language is important in different areas of knowledge and writing has become a crucial key for those who want to stand out in the personal and professional scenario. Knowing how to write well and string the text together in a cohesive and coherent way is the right step for a thousand notes.

Therefore, it is interesting to have a whole plan before starting writing. Gathering data, information, readings and the entire framework on the subject will allow you to write a good text and avoid a possible escape from the subject.
Words and phrases to start an essay
There are some phrases and keywords that can serve as a basis for starting the essay. Here is a list:
- It can be said that, due to…
- When analyzing (a, os, as)…
- Due to the current scenario, in view of the current situation...
- It is noticed that…
- It is often commented on about…
- Remember...
- It is indisputable that, it is undeniable that…
- Taking into consideration the aspects…
- In the century…
- By examining some… it turns out that…
- Given the above research...
- Just look into the near past…
- Everyone knows that, in our country, it has been observed...
- It is noticed that…
- In the face of reality…
Practical examples
Simply and objectively, with attention to the Portuguese and the grammar rules, it is possible to make inquiries about the proposed theme, presenting your opinion without the old clichés (I think, I think etc.).
For this, you can use appropriate words and phrases aiming at different objectives, as did the Enem participants who got a grade higher than 960:
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Violence against women in Brazil has shown significant increases in recent decades. According to the 2012 Violence Map, the number of deaths from this cause increased by 230% from 1980 to 2010. In addition to physical, the 2014 balance sheet reported about 48% of other types of violence against women, including psychological. In this context, it can be analyzed that this problem persists for having historical and ideological roots. (Amanda Carvalho M. Ç.)
It is common to see commercials aimed at children. With the existence of famous characters, songs for children and theme parks, the industry of products aimed at this age group is growing in a way never seen before. However, given the age of this audience, the question arises: would children be prepared for the bombardment of consumption that advertisements convey? (Carlos Eduardo L. M.).
Despite standing out as a world economic power, Brazil still experiences archaic social problems, such as the persistence of violence against women. Given the seriousness of this issue, the joint mobilization of the State and society for its effective fight is urgently needed (Tainá R. J.).
In Brazil, the beginning of the deaf education process dates back to the Second Reinado. However, this act was not configured as inclusive, as it was characterized by the establishment of an educational "apartheid", in other words, an exclusive school for this public, segregating it from those that would be considered "normal" by the population (Marcus Vinícius M. O.).
“Historically, the female role in Western societies has been subjugated to male interests and such a paradigm It only began to be contested in the mid-twentieth century, with the Frenchwoman Simone de Beauvoir as an exponent (Cecília Maria L. L.).
text structure
In summary, the newsroom has a predefined structure, encompassing the introduction, O development and the conclusion. But to connect these paragraphs it is necessary to use correct connectives that will provide greater lightness and ease of reading the text.
Therefore, the introduction as an initial part of the content is the “apple of the eye” of the textual material. Remember, we don't mean to say that the rest is unimportant, but the way your work begins will catch the eye and engage the reader.
A well-founded text, with good references, discussion of the problem(s) and intervention proposal(s) has everything to have a good result and be able to deliver the message.
Tips for good writing
- Read lots of books, articles, magazines and newspapers;
- Learn new words and enrich your vocabulary;
- Conduct lots of research, stay on top of numbers and statistics from different areas;
- Get to know the news from the global world;
- Present arguments and counterpoints (two sides of a story, pros and cons);
- Avoid clichéd words, explore synonyms and use adjectives sparingly;
- Abuse of transition words;
- Quote references.
See more writing tips:
- 10 tips (indispensable!) for good writing
- How to avoid a zero grade in the Enem essay
- How to write a dissertation-argumentative writing
- The skills required for the Enem Writing test
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