Latest Meanings (149)

meaning of humble

Humble is an adjective given to a person when he does not have an appearance of vanity, and may know his own limitations. A humble person is a modest, simple person who expresses or...

meaning of homosexuality

Homosexuality is a characteristic attributed to living beings who feel attracted to physically, aesthetically or emotionally by another living being who has the same biological sex and the same...

Definition of Coercive

Coercive is a word that has the meaning of forcing or forcing. The main use of the expression is a reference to a given order or a required measure that must be complied with, until...

meaning of hosanna

Hosanna means “save us” and is a liturgical term, of Hebrew origin, and widely used in the Jewish and Catholic religions. Hosanna appears in several passages of the Bible, besides being used...

Meaning of Imperatively

It is always an adverb of manner in the Portuguese language and means something that has no delays; in a non-preferable way, that is, indispensable. This adverb is used to define something...

Definition of coercive driving

Coercive driving is an enforcement method applied by law enforcement authorities to ensure that those summoned to testify comply with this action. Provided for in the Code of Criminal Procedure...

Definition of Eccentric

Eccentric is an adjective meaning one who deviates from or moves away from the center, or who does not have the same center. In the figurative sense, eccentric means everything that is extravagant, odd,...

Definition of Comorbidity

Comorbidity is the existence of two or more diseases simultaneously in the same person. One of the characteristics of comorbidity is that there is the possibility that pathologies mutually potentiate each other, or...

Definition of Lucifer

Lucifer is the bringer of light, the morning star. In Christian tradition it is one of the names of the devil. The word Lucifer comes from the Latin lux, which means light, and iron, which is to carry, to carry. He is therefore the bearer...

Colors meaning

Colors are visual perceptions through the cone cells of the eyes, which transmit impressions to the optic nerve that go straight to the nervous system. Color has to do with the eyes, with the retina and with...

meaning of son-in-law

Son-in-law is the name given to the husband in relation to the father or mother of his partner or partner. Example: “Pedro is married to my daughter, therefore he is my son-in-law”. The name son-in-law is used for...

meaning of nora

Nora is the name for the degree of kinship between the wife and her husband's father or mother. Normally, this is a degree awarded after the marriage has taken place, in which the betrothed's parents...

Definition of Legitimacy

Legitimacy is a characteristic attributed to everything that complies with what is imposed by legal norms and is considered a good for society, that is, everything that is legitimate. Usually, this is a...

meaning of county

Comarca is a term that characterizes the division of a region where there are borders, that is, where territorial divisions are the responsibility of one or more judges of law. This division is based...

meaning of pardon

Pardon means forgiveness or acquittal of an error or a penalty that was applied to someone. Pardon is the end of the fulfillment of a sentence. In Criminal Law, pardon is a type of benefit that...

Latest Meanings (68)

Definition of Amazon InternationalThe Amazon International is a term used to refer to the norther...

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Latest Meanings (69)

Definition of equatorial climateThe equatorial climate occurs in places close to the equator and ...

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Latest Meanings (70)

Definition of Sustainable CitiesSustainable cities are cities that implement sustainable public p...

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