Textual Types and Genres

It is very important to know that producing a text is something important for a lifetime, as we are always writing, either by answering questions from the school handouts of any subject or by writing a post on the networks social. So, in addition to being aware of grammar rules, you should know the text types and what are the genres that each one has.

First, it is necessary to know what these two terms are and how they differ:

O textual type is related to the characteristics that a text has, how is its writing, what are its properties, structure and form. then what are the tenses that can be assumed, so that these common features of a text can be grouped into types.

It's the textual genre it is related to the peculiarities of each text, subdividing the types into different small genres.

See below the textual types most commonly charged in exams and entrance exams, in addition to the school and academic environment, they are:

1 – The essay-argumentative text:

In this type, controversial issues are usually explored through the point of view of the writer, however, it is only necessary to write in 3rd person, what does this mean? We must never put expressions like “in my opinion”, “I think”, or any other expression that refers to the one who writes. Therefore, forms that refer to 'he (s)' should be used, so that the 'I' distances itself from the text, giving more credibility to the selected arguments.

This text should basically present: an introduction with the thesis that will be explored according to the proposed theme; the development with the exploration of the arguments to support the presented thesis; and, finally, a conclusion, in which it is necessary to present an intervention proposal to the theme.

Within this textual type we have some examples of textual genres, they are: journalistic articles, review, scientific articles, monographs, master's and doctoral dissertations and the famous essay of the ENEM.

2 – The descriptive text:

In this textual type, facts, objects, places and characters involved are described. Usually, these texts end up having too many adjectives, since they are exposing things and people. Unlike the essay text, it is possible to prepare a text of this type describing something or someone in third person or talking about yourself in the first person.

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As an example, we have the following textual genres: news, blogs, diaries and personal reports, biography and autobiography, menus, resumes, among others.

3 – The narrative:

In this textual type, facts are narrated through stories that involve characters in a certain time and space. Normally, this text has a climax between development and conclusion, which presents the narrative's outcome. It is possible to write a text of this type in 1st person, that is, with a narrator who participates in the story, or in 3rd person, with the narrator at a distance.

As examples of textual genres, we have: chronicles, fables, legends, among others.

4 – Expository Text

In this textual type, it is necessary to present the idea of ​​the proposed theme. Typically, this theme is explored through information, definitions and description of a specific theme. Its use is common in school and academic environments.

Examples of textual genres include: lectures, conferences, seminars and even entries in dictionaries or encyclopedias.

5 – Instructional Text

In this type of text, instructions and guidelines are presented on certain things, such as manuals and recipes. Usually they are written in imperative mode, that is, they indicate an order, a request or advice.

Within this textual type we have some examples of textual genres, they are: recipes, leaflets, instruction manuals, advertisements, among others.

Understanding textual types and their genres not only helps in the production of good texts, but also in the understanding and interpretation of others, which ends up providing more foundation for always getting a score of 10. Therefore, by mastering them, together with the grammar on the tip of your tongue, you will be prepared to write different essays.

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