Exercises on the Renaissance

We know that the Rebirthit was an artistic, cultural and scientific movement that took place in Western Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries.

The tradition and classical studies of Greece it's from Pomegranate they were rescued by this movement that revalued and made the Greco-Roman heritages predominant.

Therefore, let's solve the Renaissance exercises did the Escola Educação team select for you?

Exercises on the Renaissance

1 — The Renaissance began to be created during ________________, when commercial activities were undergoing a process of strengthening and cities were developing.

a) High Middle Ages
b) Low Middle Ages
c) High Modern Age
d) Low Modern Age

2 — The _______________ was an intellectual and artistic movement that originated in Italy and spread throughout the European continent between the 14th and 16th centuries, attributing a great value to Antiquity Classic.

a) ethnocentrism
b) geocentrism
c) enlightenment
d) humanism

3 — The ideal of a universal, multifaceted and complete man, whose main purpose was to develop all aspects of his personality, emerged during ________________.

a) Rebirth
b) Enlightenment
c) French Revolution
d) Absolutism

4 - The universal man should be erudite and cultured, in addition to knowing the literature of:

a) Middle Ages.
b) Counter-Reformation.
c) Chinese civilization.
d) Seniority.

5 — The ______________ was one of the factors that contributed to the development of plastic arts during the Renaissance.

a) geocentrism
b) heliocentrism
c) anthropocentrism
d) anabaptism

6 - The ________________ were fundamental for the development of Renaissance art, because, in seeking social projection through art, they financed the construction of monuments and palaces, in addition to commissioning works for their residence.

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a) priests
b) sophists
c) patrons
d) intellectuals

7 — Carefully read the following reports:

“The painter who works routinely and hurriedly, without understanding things, is like the mirror that absorbs everything he finds in front of him, without taking any notice”.
“Experience, mother of all certainty”.
“Only the universal painter has value”.

They are excerpts from Leonardo da Vinci, an outstanding Renaissance character. In them, the author exalts understanding, experience, universalism, values ​​that marked the:

a) theocentrism, as a basic principle of modern thought.
b) Epicureanism, alluding to the dominant principles of the Middle Ages.
c) humanism, as an ideological posture that shaped the transition to the Modern Age.
d) Confucianism, for its marked opposition to the body of Eastern knowledge.
e) scholasticism, as it admitted faith as the only source of knowledge.

8 - The birthplace of the Renaissance was:

a) Iberian Peninsula.
b) Italian Peninsula.
c) Chinese Peninsula.
d) French Peninsula.

9 — (UEL) The Renaissance, a broad artistic, literary and scientific movement, expanded from the Italian Peninsula throughout most of Europe, causing transformations in society. On the subject, it is correct to state that:

a) Renaissance rationalism reinforced the principle of authority of theological science and medieval tradition.
b) there was the rescue, by Renaissance intellectuals, of the medieval ideals linked to the dogmas of Catholicism, especially the theocentric conception of the world.
c) in this period, the idea of ​​citizen man was reaffirmed, which ended up weakening the feelings of national and cultural identity, which contributed to the end of absolute monarchies.
d) humanism preached the determination of human actions by the divine and denied that man had the capacity to act on the world, transforming it according to his will and interest.
e) scholars of the period sought support in the experimental method and rational reflection, valuing nature and the human being.

10 — The Renaissance established a contrast with:

a) Theocentrism.
b) Heliocentrism.
c) Humanism.
d) Ethnocentrism.


1 - B
2 — D
3 - A
4 - D
5 - C

6 — C
7 — C
8 - B
10 - A

See more at:

  • List of exercises on absolutism
  • List of exercises on commercialism
  • List of exercises on Inquisition in the Middle Ages

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