General knowledge games: 25 questions to challenge you!

Studying to understand a subject, getting a good grade on the test, passing the year or joining the long-awaited course is something already demarcated. However, things are always updating and it is necessary to be contextualized in this.

The fixation of a content, especially those with the greatest representation in society, is of great relevance so you can dialogue with other people and even get some questions right at times timely.

After all, you've probably come across situations where different backgrounds, mathematical calculations, grammar rules, political themes, geographic aspects, among other contents were put to the test. Is not it?

Or, even, he follows the broadcast television programs and keeps trying to guess those questions that can guarantee a hefty sum for the participants. Is not true?

So, this is the ideal test for you to train and improve your knowledge even further.

Questions and Answers for General Knowledge Games

1. Whose is the famous phrase “I think, therefore I am!”?

a) Plato
b) Galileo Galilei
c) Discards
d) Socrates
e) Francis Bacon

2.Which is the Brazilian city where the Tietê River is located?

a) Rio de Janeiro
b) Porto Alegre
c) São Paulo
d) Recife
e) Manaus

3. Interspersed blue and white stripes and a sun in the upper left corner characterize the flag of which South American country?

a) Argentina
b) Brazil
c) Uruguay
d) Namibia
e) Japan

4. Normally, on average, how many liters of blood are taken from a blood donation?

a) 450 milliliters are removed
b) 450 milliliters are withdrawn
c) 2 liters are removed
d) 1.5 liters are removed
e) 0.5 liters are removed

5.Which of the alternatives are only wonders of the world?

a) Statue of Zeus in Olímpia, Christ the Redeemer, Ouro Preto Historic Center
b) Pyramids of Egypt, Coliseum of Rome, Christ the Redeemer
c) China Wall, Tah Mahal, Pyramid of the Sun
d) Eiffel Tower, Machu Picchu, Colossus of Rhodes
e) Big Ben, Tower of Pisa, Hanging Gardens of Babylon

6. From which country is the invention of the electric shower?

the France
b) England
c) Brazil
d) Australia
e) Italy

7. Ethanol is produced from which energy source?

a) Solar
b) Biomass
c) Wind
d) Geothermal
e) Hydroelectric

8.What is the name of the president of Brazil who became known as Jango?

a) Janio Quadros
b) Angels Hyacinth
c) Getúlio Vargas
d) João Figueiredo
e) João Goulart

9.What is the best-selling book in the world, after the Bible?

a) The Lord of the Rings
b) Don Quixote
c) The Little Prince
d) She, the Sorceress
e) A Tale of Two Cities

10.Which of these is not a meteorological instrument?

a) Barograph
b) Thermometer
c) Rain gauge
d) Anemometer
e) Ethylometer

11.Currently, how many chemical elements does the periodic table have?

a) 113
b) 109
c) 108
d) 118
e) 92

12.What does the word legend mean in Portuguese?

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the subtitle
b) Tale
c) History
d) Legend
e) Legendary

13.Which of these, despite its name, is not considered a type of force?

a) Friction force
b) Force weight
c) Centripetal force
d) Electromotive force
e) Normal strength

14.What is the minimum number of players in a football match?

a) 8
b) 10
c) 9
d) 5
e) 7

15.Which two dates are celebrated in November?

a) Independence of Brazil and Flag Day
b) Proclamation of the Republic and National Black Consciousness Day
c) Doctor's Day and St. Luke's Day
d) All Souls' Day and National Book Day
e) Black Friday and Arbor Day

16.How long does sunlight take to reach Earth?

a) 12 minutes
b) 1 day
c) 12 hours
d) 8 minutes
e) seconds

17.Fico Day is celebrated annually on what date?

a) September 7th
b) April 19
c) November 19
d) January 9th
e) May 1st

18.Which of these Brazilian authors wrote O Guarani eo Gaúcho?

a) Aluísio de Azevedo
b) José de Anchieta
c) José de Alencar
d) Gonçalves Dias
e) Gonçalves de Magalhães

19.Who painted “Guernica”?

a) Paul Cezanne
b) Pablo Picasso
c) Diego Rivera
d) Tarsila do Amaral
e) Salvador Dalí

20.Method of selection in which merit predominates. This is the definition of which concept in sociology?

a) Aristocracy
b) Nobility
c) Tyranny
d) Meritocracy
e) Pilgrimage

21.What is Che Guevara's nationality?

a) Cuban
b) Peruvian
c) Panama
d) Bolivian
e) Argentina

22.What is Orthorexia?

a) Obsession with the consumption of healthy foods
b) Eating disorder characterized by loss of appetite
c) Obsession with speaking correctly
d) Exaggerated preoccupation with having an elegant body
e) Eating disorder that causes excessive food intake

23.Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the first time?

a) Frederic Passy
b) Martin Luther King Jr.
c) Frederic Passy and Henry Dunant
d) Henri Becquerel and Marie Curie
e) Mother Teresa of Calcutta

24.What is the meaning of the arrows in the international recycling symbol Recycling symbol?

a) Manufacturing, use and reuse
b) Paper, glass and metal
c) Paper, glass and plastic
d) Garbage, reuse and manufacturing
e) Collection, separation and consumption

25. How long do plastic and newspaper bottles, respectively, take to decompose?

a) 1000 years and 1 year
b) 450 years and 6 weeks
c) 100 years and 10 weeks
d) 1 million years and 1 week
e) 500 years and 5 months

See too:

  • Easy general knowledge questions for scavenger hunts
  • 31 Biblical questions for scavenger hunt (with answers)
  • Game Time – Gymkhana Q&A

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