Exercises on Roman Empire

We know that the Roman Empire it was the greatest Western civilization ever recorded. in addition to the continent European, African and Asian came under its domination.

The Roman Empire began with the accession of Otávio Augusto to the throne in 27 a. Ç. and ended in 476 d. C, marking the passage of Old age to the Middle Ages.

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Exercises on Roman Empire

1 — (UFV) Regarding the classes that made up Roman society in Antiquity, it is CORRECT to state that:

a) the “commoners” could marry members of the patrician families, a way in which they managed to settle their pending land and money, thus achieving a certain social ascension.
b) the “commoners” made up the class formed by peasants, artisans and some who managed to enrich themselves through trade, an activity that was allowed to them.
c) the “clients” were foreigners welcomed by the patricians and turned into slaves, when their moral conduct did not match that of their protectors.

d) the “patricians” were equated with the plebeians during the Roman democracy, when the clients revolted, who fought against the social exclusion of which they were victims.
e) the debt "slaves" were the result of the transformation of any Roman into the property of another, the that occurred to everyone who violated the obligation to pay the taxes that supported the State expansionist.

2 — The Empire was born after __________________________. With the implementation of the new political regime, Rome came to be managed by emperors. It was during the period of the Empire that it most gained power and dominion over other territories.

a) Roman Monarchy
b) Roman Dictatorship
c) Roman colony
d) Roman Republic

3 — The reign of ____________ was characterized by territorial conquests, marking the region's greatest period. During his reign, the Roman Empire conquered most of the West, comprising about 6 million people.

a) Trajan
b) Otávio Augusto
c) Diocletian
d) Nero

4 - The success of the Roman Empire was marked by:

a) a dynamic economy.
b) an investment in the food trade.
c) a strong army.
d) a strong Church influence.

5 — (UFSCAR) When news of this reached abroad, slave revolts broke out in Rome (where 150 conspired against the government), in Athens (over 1,000 involved), in Delos, and in many other places. But government officials soon suppressed them in different places with prompt action and terrible tortures as punishment, so that others who were on the verge of revolt came to their senses. (Diodorus of Sicily, on the Servile War in Sicily. 135–132 a. Ç.)

It is correct to say that the slave revolts in Ancient Rome were:

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a) led by senators who fought against the slave system.
b) similar to the helots' revolts in Sparta.
c) caused by exploitation and mistreatment imposed by the masters.
d) triggered by fragile laws, which left the situation of slavery undefined.
e) infrequent, compared to those that occurred in Athens in Solon's time.

6 — What were the dynasties of the Roman Empire?

a) Julio-Claudiana; Juliana; of the Flavios; of the Antonines.
b) Caesar-Claudiana; of the Flavios; of the Antonines; of the Severus.
c) Julio-Claudiana; of the Flavios; of the Antonines; of the Tsars.
d) Julio-Claudiana; of the Flavios; of the Antonines; of the Severus.

7 - The Roman Empire was divided around 284 d. C., with the objective of better governing it, due to its extension. Thus, it was divided into:

a) First Roman Empire; Second Roman Empire.
b) Western Roman Empire; Eastern Roman Empire.
c) New Roman Empire; Middle Roman Empire.
d) Primary Roman Empire; Secondary Roman Empire.

8 — (OSEC) – Regarding the ruralization of the economy that occurred during the crisis of the Roman Empire, we can state that:

a) it was a consequence of the economic crisis and the insecurity caused by the invasions of the barbarians.
b) was the main cause of the lack of slaves.
c) provided the State with the opportunity to collect taxes more efficiently.
d) encouraged the growth of trade.
e) provided the cities with an increase in their wealth.

9 — What were the main characteristics of the Roman Empire?

a) monotheism, territorial conquests, Latin, grandiose works, Roman law, economy focused on mining and agriculture.
b) polytheism, territorial conquests, Latin, grandiose works, Roman law, economy geared towards foreign trade.
c) polytheism, territorial conquests, Latin, grandiose works, Roman law, economy geared towards mining and agriculture.
d) polytheism, territorial conquests, Hebrew, grandiose works, Roman law, economy geared towards mining and agriculture.

10 — Check the alternative that contains the causes of the fall of the Western Roman Empire:

a) Collection of high taxes, barbaric invasions, territorial dimension, reduction in the number of slaves, expansion of Islam.
b) Collection of high taxes, barbarian invasions, territorial dimension, reduction in the number of slaves, expansion of Christianity.
c) Collection of high taxes, barbarian invasions, small territorial extension, decrease in the number of slaves, expansion of Christianity.
d) Collection of high taxes, invasions by eastern peoples, small territorial extension, reduction in the amount of slaves, expansion of Christianity.


1 - B
2 — D
3 - A
4 - C
5 - C

6 — D
7 - B
8 - A
9 — C
10 - B

See more at:

  • List of exercises on Ancient Greece
  • List of exercises on Ancient Egypt
  • List of exercises on Mesopotamia

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