Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

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THE atmosphere it is formed by different gases that have the ability to absorb specific bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.

While ozone absorbs ultraviolet light, carbon dioxide "bars" the infrared. As we can sense the infrared spectrum in the form of heat, the increase in the concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere also increases the Earth's temperature. This natural phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect.

This process makes life on the planet possible, as without it the temperature it would be much lower and the thermal variation between day and night would be much more intense.

However, human activities such as burning fossil fuels they release into the atmosphere the carbon gas that was previously trapped, which generates an increase in the planet's average temperature. This phenomenon is called global warming, which is anthropic, that is, caused by humans.

THE solar radiation interacts with the earth in different ways. It can be reflected, absorbed, transmitted or diffused.

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Certain gases cause the greenhouse effect by reducing the reflection of solar radiation by the Earth - they are called greenhouse gases (dioxide of carbon, nitrous oxide, methane, sulfur hexafluoride, CFCs – Chlorofluorocarbons, HFCs – Hydrofluorocarbons, PFCs – Perfluorocarbons).


You greenhouse gases they act as thermal insulators that prevent the radiation from returning to space. Venus has an average temperature of 462 ºC due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, while Mars has an average temperature of -62.2 ºC due to the almost absence of an atmosphere.

Fossil fuels are formed by natural processes such as the decomposition of organisms. When buried, for example, this organic product gives rise to fuels with a high amount of carbon, used to fuel combustion.

Coal, natural gas and oil are examples of fossil fuels. By removing this carbon from the soil and releasing it into the atmosphere, the human being artificially increases the greenhouse effect, causing global warming.

O global warming, in turn, causes climatic imbalance, rise in mean sea level, rainfall, frequency of heat waves, among others. This change happens quickly, so that many species do not have time to adapt to this new selective pressure and are extinct.

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