Antonímia and its oppositional relationships

When we study the semantic part of the Portuguese language, we see that knowing the meaning of words is essential for mastering the language, this enables individuals to establish meaning relations between words.

Contrariety, affirmation, reiteration and other meanings can be constructed and transmitted through the “play of words”.

Considering this aspect, today, we will address the antonymy.


  • What is antonymy?
  • Examples of antonymy
  • Relevance of antonymy

What is antonymy?

Antonymy is the fact that two or more words have opposite meanings. In this sense, there is an oppositional and contrarian relationship between the words. The antonymy is formed by the antonyms.

What are antonyms? Antonyms are words of the same morphosyntactic category, that is, they are words that have the same relationships structural, enunciative and phrasal, but that present meanings that are opposed through semantic features, features of meaning.

Antonyms can be formed by words with different stems; words with the same root, but with the opposition formed through negation prefixes and words with the same radical in which the notion of contrariety is constituted by the prefixes of meanings opposites.

Examples of antonymy

To internalize the concept of antonymy, reader, below are some examples ofantonyms and their use in some sentences.

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Examples of antonyms:

  • enter/exit;
  • good bad;
  • up down;
  • progress/regress;
  • single married;
  • cold/hot;
  • very bad.

Example of use of antonyms in sentences:

  • "They asked for Marcia to enter in the office." / “They asked Marcia get out from office.";
  • "The teacher is good." / “The teacher is bad.”;
  • "João asked the intern to move up on ladder." / “João asked the intern to go down of the stairs.”;
  • "I feel that I will to progress in this job!” / “I feel like I'm going regress in this job!”;
  • “Mark is not married since last summer.” / “Mark is married since last summer.”
  • "The ground is ice cold this time." / “The floor is hot this time."
  • "I went good on the test.”/ “I was bad in the test."

Relevance of antonymy

Antonymy is relevant in different contexts because it brings the notion of complementarity to countless communicative interactions. This linguistic fact also acts as fundamental stylistic resource for the vocabulary enrichment of verbal and/or non-verbal genres.

Antonymy can be an essential element as an argumentative strategy, as it establishes a contrast and is often important in written modalities to establish dichotomous relationships.

Considering this fact, it is interesting to point out that literature benefits from antonymy, because thanks to this linguistic fact narrations, descriptions and the dissertations themselves manage to build innovative aesthetic effects that hold the readers.

Well, this was a little account of antonymy.

For more information on antonymy, semantics, meaning and function of words See too:

  • Language and language: What's the difference?
  • language functions
  • Verbal and nonverbal language

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Antonímia and its oppositional relationships

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