Is coronavirus curable?

Is coronavirus curable? Do not worry! Those infected by new coronavirus have great chances of being cured.

In milder cases, what is recommended is rest, hydration, good nutrition, fever control with antipyretics and pain in the body with analgesics.

The lethality of people infected with the new coronavirus around the world is around 3.5%, a number considered low by many epidemiological experts. More than 50% of people who have been infected with coronaviruses have been cured after a few weeks.

However, care should be taken not to spread the disease, as there is no specific treatment. In more severe cases, COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, can have more acute symptoms, such as tachycardia, chest pain, shortness of breath, respiratory failure and lead to death.

In addition, most countries affected by pandemic they do not have enough hospital structure to receive many patients at the same time. Therefore, the best thing to do is to try to contain the virus, so that as few people as possible are infected.

Vaccines and Medicines

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The whole world is eager for an answer from scientists on creating vaccines and drugs to fight COVID-19.

Several countries such as China, Russia, Japan, Brazil and the United States are testing some formulas to be used as a vaccine.

In Seattle, U.S, volunteers began to be immunized with the test vaccine. China is also already testing an experimental vaccinein humans.

The prediction for a vaccine with definitive efficacy is at least 12 months of testing. Even without a specific vaccine for COVID-19, it is necessary for all people to be immunized with vaccines for other diseases, such as measles and H1N1.

This is the way to not leave the body vulnerable to diseases that could aggravate the picture of a possible coronavirus infection.

See too:

  • What is Coronavirus?
  • What does coronavirus cause?
  • What can I do to avoid getting coronaviruses?
  • What to do to protect yourself from coronavirus?
  • What to do if coronavirus is suspected?
  • What to do if I get the coronavirus?

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