15 Sentences by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is one of the biggest names in world literature, known mainly for the works Hamlet and Macbeth.

Shakespeare wrote about 40 plays and excelled in the creation of comedies, novels and tragedies. With that, the great English writer came to be considered the greatest dramatist of all time.

In addition, the poet gave life to one of the most famous couples in dramaturgy, Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare is the author of phrases of great prominence and that have become remarkable all over the world.

15 Sentences by William Shakespeare

Know some of the William Shakespeare's most famous phrases.

Everything that is born must die, passing through nature towards eternity.

Never easily reveal your thinking, nor do you ever do what you have not thought out well.

No one will ever be able to improve themselves if they do not have the world as their teacher. Experience is acquired in practice.

To regret a past pain in the present is to create another pain and suffer again.

Suspicion always haunts the guilty conscience; the thief sees a policeman in every shadow.

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose what we could often gain, simply for fear of taking risks.

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Often, the silence of pure innocence persuades, when words fail.

Whoever is proud devours himself.

The evil of greatness is when it separates consciousness from power.

My conscience has a thousand voices, / And each voice brings me a thousand stories, / And from each story I am the doomed villain.

Poor is the love that can be described.

Love is a sensible madness, a gall that suffocates, a sweetness that preserves.

As soon as they looked at each other, they loved each other; as soon as they loved each other, they sighed; as soon as they sighed, they asked each other why; as soon as they discovered the reason, they looked for the remedy.

Doubt the shine of the stars. Doubt the scent of a flower. Doubt all truths. But never doubt my love.

When love speaks, the voice of all the gods leaves the sky drunk with harmony.

See too:

  • 20 sentences by Carlos Drummond de Andrade – The Brazilian writer and poet
  • 10 Phrases by Charles Chaplin – The silent film actor, writer and screenwriter
  • 20 Nietzsche's Phrases – The German philosopher, cultural critic and poet

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