What are chondrocytes? Discover the function of this cartilage tissue

you know what the cartilage tissue? Also called cartilage, the cartilaginous tissue demonstrates a very firm consistency, even though it is not totally rigid like the bone tissue. Its main function is the support, in addition to facilitating movement and the growth of long bones.

Cartilage can be found in the outer ear, the epiglottis, the rings of the trachea and bronchi, the nose, and some parts of the larynx. This tissue is very abundant in fetuses, as bone formation is initially cartilaginous.

Chondrocytes: Cartilaginous Cells

Which chondrocyte function? At first, the cellscartilaginous are called chondroblasts (young form of the cell) and have the function of producing collagen fibers and the matrix. This with that more rubbery consistency.

When cartilage is formed, chondroblasts lose their activity, and shrink in volume. From then on, they are called chondrocytes (adult and less active form of the cell). The chondrocytes are found inside a gap (a little bigger than it) and then it is molded according to the extracellular matrix.

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Chondrocytes have a globose and ovoid shape. Furthermore, its cytoplasm, as it has a considerably large amount of endoplasmic reticulum, is basophilic (fixed without basic dyes).

Importance of Chondrocytes

These organisms are very important for cartilage, because through them, expansion of the cartilage tissue takes place. This action is performed by excretion of matrix in the gap between the daughter cells.

Chondrocytes are nourished and oxygenated by the perichondrium and so they involve the cartilage. The perichondrium can also transform into chondrocytes and thus regenerate cartilage tissue.

Read too: Adipose tissue: Storage and energy reserve

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