Do you know what homonymy is?

What is homonymy? namesake words or homonyms they are words that are pronounced the same way, having different meanings. There are three types of homonyms: perfect homonyms, homophones and homographs.

You who study the meaning of words, you know what it is homonymy?

We call homonyms the words that have the same phonological structure, the same phonemes, the same accentuation and yet have completely divergent meanings!

Although they are words with the same morphology, the situation of use, or communicational context, will be responsible for the construction of meanings in the occurrence of homonymy, therefore, there will be no harm to the understanding of the message. Look at the examples:

They are Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals (sane = saint reduction)

Mark is a man they are, will not be fooled. (sane = sensible)

grammar classes they are important in the study of the Portuguese language. (are = inflection of the verb “to be”)

The homonymous words are divided into three distinct types:

  • Homographic homonyms: homographic homonym words are the same in writing and different in pronunciation. See some examples:
this (pronoun) this (cardinal point)
government (noun) government (verb)
wolf (animal) lobe (lower ear)
nail (nail nails) preach (give a sermon)
serious (adjective) would be (verb)
hit (noun) hit (verb)
Lunch (noun) lunch (verb)
spoon (noun) spoon (verb)
beginning (noun) beginning (verb)
Chorus (noun) Chorus (verb)
ice (noun) ice (verb)
taste (noun) like (verb)
Game (noun) Game (verb)
Sauce (noun) Sauce (verb)
eye (noun) eye (verb)

See now how they can occur in prayers:


  • hit:
  • Lunch:
  • To harvest:
  • Seat/seat
  • steel/bone
  • cell/saddle
  • one hundred/sent
  • close/saw
  • Concert repair
  • bake/sew
  • Seine/Scene
  • Sense/census
  • Cure:
  • Early:
  • Summer:
  • Bank:
  • Path:
  • Light:
  • Hill:
  • River
  • They are


The candidate was approved because his Portuguese test showed many successes. (correct = noun).

One day I hit Mega Sena and I get rich! (hit = verb hit)


Lunch will be served at noon sharp, don't be late! (lunch = noun).

I have lunch every day at a restaurant near the company where I work. (lunch = verb to lunch).

To harvest:

The mother gave her son a spoon because he still can't eat with a fork. (spoon = noun).

I went to pick fresh fruit in the woods to make a dessert. (to reap = verb to reap).

  • homophone homonyms: homophone words are the same in pronunciation and different in writing and meaning. Examples:
check (money order) check (chess move)
trip (noun) travel (flexion of the verb to travel)
concert (symphonic composition) Fix (repair, derivation of the verb fix)
ascend (ascend, raise) ignite (turn on, set fire)

See now how they can occur in prayers:


  • the word grandfather has accent circumflex. (graphic sign)

On the bus I gave my seat to the elderly lady who was standing. (chair, place)


  • this bar steel it is very resistant. (iron alloy)

Me ass the cake on medium heat for forty-five minutes. (verb bake)


  • Convicted of intentional murder, he will serve his entire sentence in a minuscule cell. (small compartment).

Put her saddle on horse and went riding through the fields. (padded seat).

one hundred/sent

  • we ordered some hundreds of snacks for Beatriz's birthday. (cent = numeral).

Me sit here and I'm waiting for you to come back. (verb to sit).


  • the carpenter goes saw the wood to make a bookcase for my room. (saw).

The management called the employee to close the employment contract. (close, finish).

Concert repair

  • You concerts of the tenors are already sold out. (musical show)
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repair of our car was the eyes of the face! (Repair)


  • My mother sewed my dress yesterday. (to sew).

The mother baked the potatoes for Sunday lunch. (to cook).


  • Do you know the numbers drawn in the sena? (lottery).

THE scene of the crime was investigated by police officers at the homicide station. (scenery).


  • I love your sense of humor! (sense).

Based on census we will be able to verify the average age of the Brazilian population. (statistical survey).

perfect homonyms: Here is a case of perfect homonymy: homographic words are the same in writing and pronunciation, they have the same phonological structure and the same phonemes. Look at the examples:

cure (verb) cure (noun)
early (verb) early (adverb)
summer (verb) summer (noun)
bank (financial institution) bench)
Path (verb) Path (noun)
light (verb) Light (adjective)
hill (verb) Hill (noun)
river (verb) river (noun)
are (verb) Are (adjective)

See now how they can occur in prayers:


Scientists claim that the cure for AIDS is close to being discovered. (cure = noun).

“Your love me cure of any madness” (cure = verb to cure).


Me early to your terms, but I demand a good payment for it. (early = verb to give).

everyday she wakes up early to take the child to school. (early = adverb).


We will travel to the Brazilian coast on our next vacation from summer. (summer = noun)

They summer that crime does not pay and that work is something dignified. (summer = verb to see)


Today the banks in the state of Rio Grande do Sul they will not work due to the strike by the military police. (banks = noun = financial institution).

The father sat on the Bank from the square while the daughter had fun on the playground with her classmates. (bank = noun = seat).


Me path every day on the same streets for over twenty-five years! (path = verb to walk).

you know what the path to Paul's house? (path = noun).


ask your mother Light you to the party. (light = verb to carry).

I can take my luggage alone to the bus as they are light. (mild = adjective).


Me Hill to laugh every time Rodolfo tells a boring joke! (hill = verb to die)

I climbed the Hill with my climber friends. It was a fascinating experience! (hill = noun)


  • We arranged to travel to the beaches of River Araguaia in the next July vacation. (noun – river watercourse)

Me River of your jokes because you are really very funny! (river = verb to laugh)

They are

  • After the accident, he finds himself, fortunately, they are and saved! (are = adjective, meaning “healthy”).

What time they are? (are = verb to be).

Luana Alves
Graduated in Letters

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