Exercises on the lymphatic system

O lymphatic system it is responsible for protecting our body and is composed of many organs that produce cells specialized in attacking microorganisms and other pathogens.

We prepare a list of exercises on the lymphatic system so you can test your knowledge of this system that removes impurities from the body.

You can consult the template and save this exercise list in PDF at the end of the post.

Exercises on the lymphatic system

1) (UPF) In the human lymphatic system, a colorless fluid, similar to blood, but without red blood cells, platelets, or monocytes, circulates, called lymph. Some of the lymph functions in our body are:

I – Reintegrate into the blood the proteins that may have left the capillaries.
II – Return excess fluid from cells and tissues to circulation, in a continuous process.
III – Avoid blood clotting.
IV – Defend the organism through lymphocytes stored in lymph nodes.
V – Transport nutrients and hormones to the tissues or organs of the body.

Is correct only what is stated in:

a) I, II and IV.
b) II, III and IV.
c) II, IV and V.
d) I and V.
e) III and IV.

2) In the path of lymphatic vessels, there are ovoid structures that have the function of filtering harmful substances. These structures are called:

a) nerve nodes.
b) tonsils.
c) great.
d) lymph nodes.
e) lymph.

3) (UNIFENAS) It is very common to make a comparative analysis between the human circulatory system and the water distribution systems and the sewage network of a city. The arterial blood that leaves the heart is intended to travel throughout the body, carrying, in addition to oxygen, many substances that will be delivered to the cells to carry out their vital activities. On the other hand, venous blood, in addition to carbon dioxide, carries different residues so that they can be eliminated by Organs excretory organs. On the other hand, the water distributed by the supply and sanitation companies to homes also allows families to carry out their routine activities. The sewage network collects the waste from these families so that they can be treated and disposed of in some way. Just as water reaches homes with hydrostatic pressure, the blood that reaches tissues is also under the action of the same type of pressure.

Check the box that presents some incorrect information regarding blood pressure, tissue and lymphatic system relationships.

a) The lymphatic system is made up of a vast network of vessels that are distributed throughout the body. The mechanism that determines the movement of lymph is linked to the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the lymph nodes. The variation in the turgor of the ganglia cells produces a negative gradient inside the ganglia that slowly sucks the lymph plasma.
b) The exchange of substances dissolved in the blood and tissues is a result of the resultant hydrostatic pressure of the blood, which tends to expel water into the tissues, and the osmotic pressure exerted by the blood plasma proteins towards contrary.
c) Lymphatic circulation occurs from the higher pressure of the portion of the capillary that carries arterial blood compared to the lower pressure of the portion of the capillary that carries venous blood. Excess interstitial fluid is thus collected by the lymphatic system.
d) The so-called maximum or systolic blood pressure corresponds to the pressure equivalent to 120 mmHg with which the blood is pushed by the heart into the artery. The minimum or diastolic pressure corresponds to the pressure equivalent to 80 mmHg with which the blood is found inside the artery during ventricular relaxation.
e) Upon return to the heart, venous blood has virtually no hydrostatic pressure. The return movement is largely due to skeletal muscle contractions. The contraction of the musculature compresses the veins located between its bundles, displacing the blood towards the heart. Valves in the veins do not allow for blood reflux.

4) _____________ circulates outside the blood capillaries and bathes all tissue cells in the body, providing nutrients and collecting products of cellular activity. This fluid is drained by _____________ and later by a blood vessel.

Mark the alternative that completes, respectively, the spaces in the excerpt above.

a) Lymphatic vessel and lymph nodes.
b) Lymph node and lymphatic vessels.
b) Lymph and lymph nodes.
d) Lymph and lymphatic vessels.
e) Lymphatic vessel and lymph nodes.

5) (UFG) What type of capillary has valves that guarantee its function and start in the bottom of the bag?

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a) Lymphatic.
b) Fenestrated.
c) Continuous.
d) Sinoid.

6) Analyze the alternatives and mark the one that presents the function performed by the lymphatic vessels in our body.

a) Produce lymph.
b) Filter organisms harmful to health.
c) Promote phagocytosis of foreign particles.
d) Drain and transport the lymph.
e) Transporting blood and lymph.

7) (IFSP) Look at the image that shows a set of cells that are part of one of the human biological systems.

Exercises - Lymphatic System 7The cells shown are part of an animal tissue type. For the type of animal tissue represented, tick the correct alternative.

a) Glomerular.
b) Conjunctive.
c) Immunological.
d) Lymphatic.

8) The lymphatic system is an isolated vascular system that is related to the conservation of plasma proteins, defense against pathogenic organisms and the absorption of lipids. Check the alternative that correctly indicates only the components of that system.

a) Lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic ducts and lymph nodes.
b) Lymphomas, lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.
c) Lymph nodes, lymph nodes and bone marrow.
d) Lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic veins, lymph nodes and lymphomas.
e) Spleen, thymus and tonsils.

9) Sometimes, when we are sick, we notice a small swelling in the neck region. This is a consequence of:

a) a swelling in the lymph nodes.
b) a generalized enlargement of lymphatic vessels.
c) an increase in lymph deposition in the neck.
d) an exaggerated and uncontrolled cell multiplication in this region.
e) a displacement of the lymph nodes.

10) A substance called lymph circulates inside the lymphatic vessels. This fluid is similar to blood tissue, however, it does not have:

a) leukocytes.
b) lymphocytes.
c) plasma.
d) red blood cells.


1 - the
2 - d
3 - and
4 - d
5 - the

6 - d
7 - d
8 - the
9 - the
10 - d

Click here to save the lymphatic system exercises list in PDF!

See too:

  • Hemophilia Exercise List
  • List of hookworm exercises
  • List of Herbivory Exercises

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