Arlequina is the female version of the character who participated in the commedia dell'arte, an Italian comedy genre. The harlequin, like the harlequin, was a kind of clown, whose main thing was...
Induction is the act of inducing, that is, arriving at a result from elements previously present or indicative of such a conclusion. But, the word induction can be interpreted from different points...
Representative democracy or indirect democracy is a form of government in which the people elect representatives who can defend, manage, establish and execute all the interests of the population. The main...
Miser means stingy, miserable, stingy, not generous, not giving charity. It's the one who is sordidly attached to money. Avarento is an adjective that qualifies that individual who has...
Parameter is a masculine noun widely used in mathematics that consists of a constant and invariant line, which belongs to an equation or is part of the construction of a straight line. In some cases...
The word autocracy comes from the Greek, and it means government by itself. It is a political regime in which laws and decisions are based on the ruler's convictions. In autocracy, the power of the leader is...
Focus is a masculine noun meaning the sharpness of an image, the vision of a well-defined goal, the center and point of convergence. The expression “out of focus” indicates that the image is...
Persistence is a characteristic of what doesn't give up easily. Acting with persistence is being hardworking and focused on your goals, without being easily shaken by any criticisms or negatives...
NEP stands for New Economic Policy and was the economic policy followed in the Soviet Union after the end of Communism in the 1921 war and with Stalin's rise to power in 1928. NEP was...
Quantitative research is a classification of the scientific method that uses different statistical techniques to quantify opinions and information for a particular study. It is performed to...
An angel is a spirit creature that dwells in heaven and serves as a messenger between God and human beings. The word angel comes from the Greek word ággelos which means messenger, and they are beings...
Abstractionism is an avant-garde artistic movement in which the representation of reality is made in a deconstructed way, using colors, lines and abstract shapes. Also called Abstract Art,...
The Flag of England is one of the main symbols of the English nation, which represents one of the countries that make up the United Kingdom. The flag of England was only made official in the 16th century, however already...
Compound interest is the interest for a given period added to the principal to calculate new interest in subsequent periods. Compound interest is part of math subjects and concepts...
Immunity is resistance or protection against something, usually related to diseases and infections that can attack a living being's organism. Thus, immunity consists of a set of mechanisms that...