ENEM 2021: INEP changes schedule of tests; Check application locations

The confirmation card for the National High School Exam (And either) 2020 can now be accessed, it is possible to check the morning, local and schedule of the evidence. The printed exam takes place on January 17th and 24th for more than 5.7 million students.

It is recommended that the student bring the card on the day of the exam, in addition to the original document with a photo. If the student is having difficulty accessing the card on the website, he or she should try it later.

Locations can also be consulted on the Enem app, available for Android and iOS. The result of the tests is scheduled for March 29th.

In addition to the printed version, the novelty is the digital enem for 100,000 subscribers, which will take place between January 31st and February 7th.

Dates and times

The exam takes place on the days January 17th and 24th. On the first day, the Languages, Codes and their technologies tests will be applied, Essay and Human Sciences and its Technologies, lasting 5 hours and 30 minutes.

On the second day, there will be tests in Natural Sciences and its technologies and Mathematics and its technologies, lasting 5 hours.

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (inep) changed the time of entry, as a protection measure against Covid-19. Look:

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  • Opening of the gates — 11:30 am
  • Closing of the gates — 1 pm
  • Start of tests - 1:30 pm
  • End of the 1st day tests - 7:00 pm
  • End of exams 2nd day — 6:30 pm

The Ministry of Education (MEC) reminds that the tests are in the Brasilia time.

Candidates with covid-19

Those who were diagnosed days before the exam can take the test in February 24th and 25th.

Those with other contagious diseases can also request reapplication. Infections such as: whooping cough, diphtheria, meningitis, smallpox, Human Influenza A and B, polio, measles, rubella or chickenpox.

Anyone who felt symptoms on the day of the exam can call the call center on 0800 616161 to report the disease.

Still have doubts? Check out the official MEC page.

See too:

  • Check it out: Enem, ProUni and Encceja take place this week
  • Tool makes it possible to review Enem content through WhatsApp
  • Free online platforms help prepare for Enem

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