Augusto dos Anjos receives the epithet of the most original poet in Brazilian literature. Just take a walk through our letters to realize the authenticity of the writer who had only one published book, the anthological Eu, a book of poems from 1912. The verses of Augusto dos Anjos are loaded with an unusual vocabulary, aggressive and influenced by the naturalistic scientism, innovative characteristics that even today cause some astonishment in readers unsuspecting.
The poems in the book Eu show a unique literary experience in the history of universal literature, as they dared to unite Symbolism with naturalistic scientism. The poet's verses shock due to their vocabulary and controversial themes, especially for the time they were written, a fact that provoked a certain revulsion from the public towards the only work by Anjos. Even today, the pre-modern verses cause estrangement, as well as arouse the interest and curiosity of new readers and scholars of the poet's unique work.
The antilyrical poetry of Augusto dos Anjos allowed an interesting discussion about the concepts of “good poetry”, given that the writer challenged tradition by taking it to the field of art poetic bizarre themes, such as the worms, the prostitute, the chemical substances that make up the human body, the decrepitude of corpses and even the almost macabre description of the decomposition of the matter.
Therefore, before unveiling the poet's masterpiece, it is necessary that you, the reader, do not expect any kind of lyricism, but rather the maximum realization of antipoetry in Brazilian literature. Even to talk about love, the poet did it in a unique way, using a vocabulary far removed from the vocabulary used by romantic poets.
So that you can draw your own conclusions about this authentic writer, the site school education selected fifteen poems by Augusto dos Anjos that will make you reframe your concept of poetry. Good reading!
Best Poems by Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Psychology of a loser – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Saudade – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: INTIMATE VERSES – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: The tear – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Sad return – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Suffering – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Soliloquy of a visionary – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Solitaire – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: A monist's dream – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Voices from a tomb – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Voices of Death – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Vox victiÆ – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Immortal Volupia – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Victim of dualism – Augusto dos Anjos
- Poem: Vandalism – Augusto dos Anjos
Poem: Psychology of a loser – Augusto dos Anjos
Psychology of a loser
Me, son of carbon and ammonia,
Monster of darkness and brilliance,
I suffer, since childhood epigenesis,
The bad influence of the zodiac signs.
Deeply hypochondriac,
This environment disgusts me…
A yearning analogous to yearning rises to my mouth
That escapes from the mouth of a heartbeat.
Already the worm — this worker from the ruins —
May the rotten blood of carnage
It eats, and to life in general declares war,
Come peeking into my eyes to gnaw them,
And you'll just leave my hair,
In the inorganic coldness of the earth!
Poem: Saudade – Augusto dos Anjos
Today that grief stabs my breast,
And the heart tears me atrociously, immensely,
I bless her with disbelief, in the middle,
Because today I only live on disbelief.
At night when in deep solitude
My soul withdraws sadly,
To lighten my discontented soul,
The sad candle of Saudade is lit.
And so fond of sorrows and torment,
And to pain and suffering eternally attached,
To give life to pain and suffering,
The longing in the blackened tomb
I keep the memory that my chest bleeds,
But that nevertheless feeds my life.
Poem: INTIMATE VERSES – Augusto dos Anjos
See?! Nobody watched the formidable
Burial of your last chimera.
Only Ungrateful — this panther —
She was your inseparable companion!
Get used to the mud that awaits you!
Man, who, in this miserable land,
Lives, among beasts, feels inevitable
Need to be a beast too.
Take a match. Light your cigarette!
The kiss, friend, is the eve of the sputum,
The hand that caresses is the same hand that stones.
If someone is even sorry for your wound,
Stone that vile hand that caresses you,
Dust into that mouth that kisses you!
Poem: The tear – Augusto dos Anjos
the tear
– Do me the favor of bringing together
Sodium chloride, water and albumin…
Ah! This is enough, because this is what originates
The tear of all losers!
-“Pharmacology and medicine
With the relativity of the senses
The unknown thousand are unknown
Secrets of this divine secretion"
– The pharmacist got me. –
Then the father Yoyo comes to mind
In the physical craving for the ultimate effectiveness...
And soon the tear in my eyes falls.
Ah! It's better to remember my Father
Than all drugs in the pharmacy!
Poem: Sad return – Augusto dos Anjos
sad return
Once a poet, a madman,
He fell in love with a beautiful virgin;
The passionate vate lived happily,
Crazy lived, in love with her.
But the Fatherland called him. It was the soldier,
And I had to leave that one forever
Sweet vision, Olympic and simple!
And left, bitter heart.
From cannons to rumbles and shrapnel,
Proud fighter, won battles,
He added the auburnant forehead to him.
And it came back, but the haloed forehead,
When she arrived, she hung sad and passed out,
In the tomb of the beautiful blonde virgin.

Poem: Suffering – Augusto dos Anjos
It covers the cold pallor of her face
The path of sadness that desolates her;
Cry - the dew of weeping pearls
Faces macerated with disgust.
When the rosary of your tears rolls,
From the white roses of your sad face
That roll withered like an already set sun
A scent of tears evolves.
Try sometimes though, nervous and crazy
Forget the intense hurt for the moment
Bringing a smile to the surface of his mouth.
But a dark discomfort soon returns,
Beautiful in Pain, sublime in Disbelief.
Like Jesus sobbing in the Garden!
Poem: Soliloquy of a visionary – Augusto dos Anjos
Soliloquy of a Visionary
to de-virgin the maze
From the old and metaphysical Mystery,
I ate my eyes raw in the cemetery,
In an anthropophagy of hunger!
The digestion of this funereal delicacy
Turned blood turned my instinct
Of human visual impressions I feel,
In the divine visions of the ethereal Incola!
Incandescent hydrogen dress,
I wandered a century, fruitlessly,
For the sidereal monotonies...
I climbed maybe to the maximum heights,
But if I come back like this today, with my soul in the dark,
I still need to go higher!
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Poem: Solitaire – Augusto dos Anjos
Like a ghost that takes refuge
In the solitude of still life,
Behind the tombs, one day,
I took refuge at your door!
It was cold and the cold it was
That's not what the flesh comforts us
Cut as well as in butchery
The steel of the incisor knives cuts!
But you have not come to see my Disgrace!
And I left, like someone who repels everything,
— Old coffin carrying debris —
Carrying only in the carcass tombs
The unique parchment of the skin
And the fateful rattle of bones!
Poem: A monist's dream – Augusto dos Anjos
a monist's dream
Me and the scrawny skeleton of Squirrel
We traveled, with a sybaritic eagerness,
All through the infinite pro-dynamics,
In the unconsciousness of a tranquil zoophyte.
The Amazing Truth of Protilo
It terrified me, but inside the afflicted soul
Via God — this weird monad —
Coordinating and animating all that!
And I blessed, with the skeleton at my side,
In the gutturalness of my cry,
Oblivious to the old calculation of days,
Like a heathen at the altar of Proserpina,
The divine intracosmic energy
Who is the father and mother of other energies!
Poem: Voices from a tomb – Augusto dos Anjos
voices from a grave
I died! And the Earth — the common mother — the glow
Of these my eyes went out!… Like this
Tantalus, to the royal guests, at a feast,
Served your own son's meat!
Why did I come to this cemetery?!
Because?! Before life the anguished trail
Insole, than this what insole
And that haunts me, because it has no end!
In the ardor of the dream that the phronem exalts
I proudly built the tall pyramid,
Today, however, that has collapsed
The royal pyramid of my pride,
Today I'm just matter and rubble
I am aware that I am nothing!
Poem: Voices of Death – Augusto dos Anjos
voices of death
Now yes! Let's die together,
Tamarind of my misadventure,
You, with the aging of the vein,
Me, with tissue aging!
Ah! Tonight is the night of the Losers!
And the rot, old man! And this future
Bone ultra fatality,
To which we will find ourselves reduced!
But your seeds will not die!
And so, for the Future, in different
Forests, valleys, jungles, tracts, tracks,
In the multiplicity of your branches,
As much as we love each other in life,
After death we will still have children!
Poem: Vox victiÆ – Augusto dos Anjos
Vox victiÆ
Dead! quiet conscience there is the murderer
That ended me, giving me the vain body
This pleasure of staying on the floor
Enjoying divine taste in tabidity!
Spying on my dead body,
In the sea of human proliferation,
other heads will appear
To share my destiny!
At the genetliac party of Nothing,
I embrace the tormented earth
In convulsive contubernium…
And there! How good is this obscure lust
That binds the tired bones of the creature
To the Creator's ubiquitous body!
Poem: Immortal Volupia – Augusto dos Anjos
immortal lust
You take care that the genesis of pleasure,
Atom hunger and eurythmic transport
Of all molecules, abort
By the time our flesh rots?!
No! This radial light, in which the Being burns,
For the perpetuation of the strong Species,
Tragically, even after death,
Inside the bones, it continues to burn!
Deaf thus to apostrophes and cries,
Our scaly skeletons,
In convulsive sensual contortions,
Drawing hydrogen sulfide gas from the pits,
With this voluptuous new bones
They will still get tighter and tighter!
Poem: Victim of dualism – Augusto dos Anjos
victim of dualism
Being miserable among the miserable
— I carry in my shadow cells
irreconcilable antagonisms
And the most opposite idiosyncrasies!
Much earlier than imaginable
Here you are, my soul, at last, given to the wild
Wraths of relentless dualisms
And to the black gluttony of antinomies!
Biform psyche, Heaven and Hell absorb…
Creation at the same time dark and pink,
Made of the most variable elements,
Suck up in my flesh, like a crow,
The ultra-monstrous simultaneity
Of all the starving contrasts!
Poem: Vandalism – Augusto dos Anjos
My heart has huge cathedrals,
Temples of prisques and distant dates,
Where a number of love, in serenades,
Sing the virginal hallelujah of beliefs.
In the fulgid warhead and colonnades
Lusters pour intense radiations
Flickers from suspended lamps
And the amethysts and the finials and the silver.
Like the old medieval Templars
I entered these cathedrals one day
And in these bright and smiling temples…
And raising the gladius and brandishing the shafts,
In the despair of iconoclasts
I broke the image of my own dreams!
Luana Alves
Graduated in Letters
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