what is resilience? Resilience is a word derived from latin resiliens and it means “going back”. This term is linked to people's ability to deal with and overcome their problems, especially when faced with a critical situation.
Furthermore, it can have other meanings associated with the areas of psychology, administration, ecology and physics.
Firstly, we 60's and 70, this word was developed by Michael Rutter seeking to explain the term according to physics concepts that explained resilient materials. These materials had the ability to undergo strong pressure and then return to their normal state.
However, over time, this term was moving away from concepts of physics and connecting to the characteristic of being flexible in the face of obstacles.
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Currently, resilience is associated with
ability to become flexible and have the ability to adapt to adverse situations. Thus, resilience becomes an existing skill and it can be developed in every human being.That is, acting with resilience means overcoming problems, obstacles, traumas, and stressful situations while maintaining emotional and psychological balance.
Furthermore, the ability to deal with obstacles in a resilient way makes the person cope and adapt to these problems without letting stress take over. This allows the person to look at the problem with new eyes and work around them in the best way possible.
See too: What is empathy?
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