20 Sentences of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the great former president of U.S, he was one of the most respected men in American history.

Lincoln had a successful term and held the position of 16th US President between the period of March 4, 1861, until the day of his murder on April 15, 1865.

In addition, the former president of the United States played a large role in the abolition of slavery and was essential in maintaining the territorial and political integrity of the country during the American Civil War.

Meet Abraham Lincoln phrases, one of the most important presidents of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln Phrases

Almost all men are able to withstand hardship, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Sinning for silence, when one should protest, turns men into cowards.

The field of defeat is not populated by failures, but by men who fell before winning.

A leader's greatest skill is to develop extraordinary abilities in everyday people.

The success of life is not measured by the path you conquered, but by the difficulties you overcame along the way.

You can fool everyone for a while; some can be fooled all the time; but you can't fool everyone all the time.

God must love mediocre men. He made several of them.

When I do good, I feel good; when I do evil, I feel bad. Here is my religion.

The most important principles can and must be inflexible.

Character is like a tree and reputation is its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

Before starting to criticize others' faults, list at least ten of your own.

Self-respect is the root of discipline; the notion of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.

Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people.

And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's life in your years.

Things come to those who wait, but only things left by those who act quickly.

‎I understand that a man can look down to the earth and be an atheist; but I cannot conceive of him looking to the heavens and saying that there is no God.

No man is good enough to rule another without his consent.

If friendship is your weakness then you are the strongest person in the world.

Don't worry when you don't get recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.

If I only had an hour to cut a tree, I would use the first forty-five minutes sharpening my axe.

See too:

  • 10 Phrases from the richest man in the world to jumpstart his career!
  • The 10 most famous phrases of great philosophers and their explanations

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