Calculation of slope

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O slope of a line is a value that indicates the slope of the line in relation to the abscissa axis (x axis).

There are a few different ways to calculate the slope, let's see what they are?

Calculation of slope

Consider, for example, the line in the figure below:

straight line angular coefficient

The slope corresponds to tangent of the angle \dpi{120} \alpha. Thus, representing the slope by the letter \dpi{120} m, We have to:

\dpi{120} m = tan\: (\alpha)

And we can establish some different ways to calculate the slope.

Calculating the slope from the angle

Knowing the angle of inclination, just calculate the tangent of that angle.

Example: if \dpi{120} \alpha = 45^{\circ}, then:

\dpi{120} m = tan\: (\alpha)
\dpi{120} m = tan\: (45^{\circ})
\dpi{120} m = 1

To know the value of the tangent of an angle, just consult a trigonometric table.

Calculation of slope from two points

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If we know two points that belong to the line, \dpi{120} \mathrm{P(x_1,y_1)} and \dpi{120} \mathrm{P(x_2,y_2)}, we can calculate the slope as follows:

\dpi{120} m = \frac{\mathrm{y_2 - y_1}}{\mathrm{x_2-x_1}}

To understand this formula, notice that in the figure, a right triangle, with \dpi{120} sin \, (\alpha) =\mathrm{ y_2 - y_1} and \dpi{120} cos \, (\alpha) =\mathrm{ x_2 - x_1} and remember that \dpi{120} tan(\alpha) = \frac{sen(\alpha)}{cos(\alpha)}.

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Example: given the points \dpi{120} P_1(-1, 2) and \dpi{120} P_2(3,5), we have:

\dpi{120} m = \frac{\mathrm{5 - 2}}{\mathrm{3-(-1)}}
\dpi{120} \Rightarrow m = \frac{\mathrm{3}}{\mathrm{4} }= 0.75

Calculation of the slope from the equation of the straight line

Consider the equation of the line \dpi{120} y = ax + b, with the \dpi{120} to and \dpi{120} b real numbers and \dpi{120} a\neq 0, then:

\dpi{120} m = a

Example: given the equation \dpi{120} 2x + 3y - 5 = 0, we can rewrite it as follows:

\dpi{120} 2x + 3y - 5 = 0
\dpi{120} 3y= - 2x + 5
\dpi{120} y= - \frac{2}{3}x + \frac{5}{3}

Therefore, \dpi{120} m = -\frac{2}{3}.

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