This new tool, easy and quick to know, is now used by everyone, but we don't know how the network works, who maintains and organizes it, in addition to monitoring it. Icann is an international non-commercial, public or confidential corporation that owns the function of maintaining the operational security of the internet as well as its honesty and impartiality (of the network). It was created on September 18, 1998, in the city of Marina Del Rey, California - USA, to control the rights of registered domains and IP addresses.
It is also responsible for representing global communities and for clearly competing with them. It is responsible for the DNS, that is, the domain name of the system that was created to facilitate internet access as a replacement for each site's protocol addresses. In this way, it makes it easier to memorize the address of a website that at first would be a numerical sequence and today is an address, such as:
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It is the responsibility of governments and international organizations that in partnership support and monitor the global internet to ensure the veracity of the websites contained therein. It manages to meet the growing demand of the network by adapting to new technologies and changes.
To make the internet an easy-to-access and viable tool, Icann entered into generic registration competition to reduce internet costs to 80% less. He also coordinated the guide of lines that distribute domain names for the most diverse existing languages in the world.
By Gabriela Cabral
Brazil School Team
Curiosities - Brazil School
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DANTAS, Gabriela Cabral da Silva. "Do you know who monitors and watches over the internet?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.