How Much Does a Dermatologist Make?

The fact that medicine is one of the best paid areas professionally is not new to anyone. But about specializations? There are countless options for all tastes, aptitudes and salaries!

For those who are constantly careful with special skin care and enjoy subjects related to the field, a specialization in dermatology is a good option.

Despite needing many studies, dermatology is one of the most profitable areas for medical students.

It is a dynamic profession, as it has the possibility of providing care, shifts, surgeries and even continuing in the field of aesthetics. Dermatology is certainly a good option for those looking to be secure in the job market and, at the same time, freedom to change the air and follow new paths and discover yourself within the profession.

Do you want to know more about the job market of these professionals? Let's talk about numbers! Your wages? how much do you earn per consultation? Average wage? Find out now!

How much does a dermatologist earn?

According to a salary survey on the Catho website, professionals in this specialty who work in clinical medicine receive, on average, a salary of

BRL 9,384.

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However, it is important to emphasize that every dermatologist wins in some way. There are professionals who earn from clinical care, charging by query variable values, being able to answer by covenants or private, others work on shifts and receive more for it.

How much does a dermatologist from the public network earn?

the public sector it is also an option for the performance of these professionals. The Medical Residency Program offers opportunities to newly graduated physicians the opportunity to do a specialization (residency) funded by the Federal Government with bag of R$2,975.

The Mais Médicos Program, also of the Federal Government, offers opportunities with starting salaries of BRL 10,000, with an emphasis on working in needy small towns The professional can stay in the program for three years.

In addition, there is still the option to public tenders that pay satisfactorily well, in addition to offering job stability.

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