What is a Letter of Recommendation? How to make a good letter?

In times of crisis, getting a job opening is quite an achievement! Therefore, in addition to continuous training, it is essential to build a good reputation throughout your career.

That's because the recommendations of previous bosses can be a differential in your choice to fill the desired position. This is where a document not always requested by employees comes in: a letter of recommendation.


  • What is a letter of recommendation?
  • Who should ask for the letter of recommendation?
  • How to request the letter of recommendation?
  • What to put in the recommendation letter?
  • Letter of Recommendation Templates
    • Model 1
    • Model 2 (university)

What is a letter of recommendation?

It is a document drawn up by former employers describing the former employee's personal and professional qualities. Through it, as the name implies, the recommendation is made to companies that are interested.

Writing can be done by the immediate boss, manager, director or the personnel department. But, it is worth remembering that universities, too, can provide it to refer students to research and internships.

Who should ask for the letter of recommendation?

Some professions require a lot of experience in the role, in addition to a high level of confidence. In these cases, the letter of recommendation is required in the selection process and, depending on how it is done, it can be the key factor in choosing the candidate.

As examples, we can cite nannies, caregivers of the elderly, domestic workers and security.

How to request the letter of recommendation?

The letter of recommendation is usually requested for those professionals mentioned in the section previous, that is, department heads, HR, principals, former professors, course coordinators, between others.

But, nothing prevents former colleagues, especially those who have more time at home, from writing your letter. For this, he must know you well, in addition to recognizing and knowing how to highlight your qualities. Oh, and it is essential that the person has a good professional reputation so that your document does not lose credibility.

Ok, and how to get to the person to ask for the letter? Simple! Ask in person or, if you feel uncomfortable, send an email. Ask if she knows your work and is willing to write a letter of recommendation and contribute to your search. It's interesting that you have your updated curriculum in hand to facilitate the writing of the document.

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Ah, with positive or negative responses, thank the person you asked for, without losing contact. The important thing is to maintain and increase your network of professional relationships.

What to put in the recommendation letter?

Regardless of who writes, what matters is what should be included in the recommendation letter so that it effectively makes a difference in the candidate's life.

In addition, the professional must keep in mind that the information can be verified by the recipient, therefore, the facts recorded must be those subject to verification.

As for the content, it is important that the recommendation letter has the following items:

  • period in which the professional or student worked/studied at the institution
  • the function and activities performed (in the case of a student, the course and what was done during graduation)
  • performance in carrying out the proposed tasks
  • the professional or student qualities, highlighting the candidate's potential and strengths

Writer's contact details should be entered at the end of the letter, including name, title, phone number and signature.

Letter of Recommendation Templates

If you are the person who is going to write the recommendation letter and you are at a loss as to what to put in it, here are some templates that can help you!

Model 1

removed from the site www.roberthalf.com.br:

Dear [so and so],

It is my pleasure to recommend [name] for [position] at [company name].

[Name] and I [include relationship type] at [company] for [time period].

I enjoyed the time I worked with [name] and found that [he/she] is a very valuable person for any team. [She/He] is honest, secure and incredibly dedicated. Also, [he/she] is an impressive [include a soft skill, such as leader or proactive], who always [include a result of that soft skill].

His knowledge of [specific subject] and experience in [specific subject] was a big plus for the entire office. [He/She] has put this skill set towards the [specific goal].

With his undeniable talent, it has always been a pleasure to work with [name]. [He/She] truly knows how to work in a team and always encourages positive discussions and brings out the best in each of its employees.

Without a doubt, I recommend [name] to your team at [company]. Dedicated employee and knowledgeable about the role, [name] is also a great person. I know [he/she] will be a positive hire for your company.

Please feel free to contact me via e-mail [address] or telephone [include number] if you would like to talk about [name]'s professional skills. I will be happy to expand my recommendation.


[your name]

Model 2 (university)

Letter of recommendation
Letter of recommendation

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