THE subtractionit is one of the mathematical operations that we use the most, inside and outside the classroom. It is a natural operation, which is associated with many ideas, such as removing, separating and reducing.
Counting change at the market or the minutes left for the bus to pass are some examples of when we do subtraction calculations and many times we don't even notice it.
Thus, it is important that students understand the broad concept of subtraction, so that in addition to just doing calculations, they can identify situations in which to use subtraction and understand the meaning of this operation.
With that in mind, we prepared a subtraction lesson plan for 1st year elementary school students, with suggestions to help children understand this important math operation.
Lesson Plan - Understanding Subtraction
THEME: Subtraction and its different ideas
BNCC SKILLS: (EF01MA08) Solve and elaborate addition and subtraction problems, involving numbers up to two digits, with the meanings of join, add, separate and remove, with the support of images and/or manipulable material, using strategies and forms of registration personal.
SUGGESTED TIME: 1 hour and 40 minutes.
- Understand that subtraction is related to the idea of removing, separating and reducing;
- Solve subtraction problems.
- Colored cardboard;
- Scissors;
- A4 blank paper;
- Chalkboard and chalk;
- Objects available in the classroom, such as student crayons.
To teach subtraction, it is necessary that students have already learned about the addition.
1st activity
Begin the lesson by reviewing ideas related to addition. Give simple examples, such as: if you have two pencils and get one more from your mother, how many pencils will you keep?
Invite students to act out this situation by placing two of their own pencils on the table and then placing another one.
Then introduce the idea of taking out: what happens if you lose one of those pencils? Tell them to take one of the pencils off the table and count how many are left.
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Explain that just as we can add quantities, there are situations where we need to separate them and keep a smaller quantity than the previous one, such as in the case of losing a pencil.
Nthe picture, andwrite down the operation they just performed and make more examples with the objects themselves available in the classroom.
2nd activity
In this activity, students should act out the elements of various subtraction beads by bending the fingers of their paper hands to determine the result.
The hands can be made by themselves, making the outline of the hand with a pencil, cutting and pasting only the palm part on the A4 sheet of paper.

Explore the idea that subtraction is associated with reducing, withdrawing and decreasing, always leaving you with less than you had before.
3rd activity
Propose subtraction problems where the operation is not as obvious, such as:
To complete an album page 10 stickers are needed. If Caio already has 6 stickers, how many are left before he completes the page?
The idea is for them to realize that subtraction is present in many everyday situations and that the result of the operation can be the solution to a problem and not just a useless number.
Explain that this album situation can be resolved with a subtraction count, taking the amount of stickers he already has from the total amount he needs to fill the page.
Help them come to the conclusion that the math to be done is 10 – 6. Tell them that, if necessary, they can calculate with the help of their paper hands.
- Observe student performance during activities.
- See if they can solve the proposed problems from the subtraction.
- Propose other activities involving subtraction (and addition), making use of illustrative figures (cars, balloons, people, flowers).
To download this lesson plan in PDF, click here!
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