Latest Meanings (290)

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Meaning of Available

Available is an adjective of two genders originating from the Latin disponere, which means something free, unimpeded, unencumbered, that one can dispose of. Making available is putting something to...

Meaning of Reimbursement

Reimbursement is the act or effect of reimbursement, that is, of making an indemnity, reparation, compensation. It is a masculine noun that refers to the payment of some damage caused...

Definition of Kawaii

Kawaii is an adjective in the Japanese language, meaning beautiful, graceful, adorable, cute, etc. It's a word used to give a compliment. Kawaii is an expression often used in Japan, by young people, fans...

meaning of dinda

Dinda is a feminine noun used as a diminutive of the word godmother. According to the etymology, the word godmother has its roots in the word mater, which means mother in Latin. For this reason,...

Definition of Amorphous Urates

Amorphous urate is a type of crystal present in urine, specifically uric acid. Urates are present in kidney and gallstones. It is possible to detect the presence of amorphous urates...

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meaning of nice

Nice is an English term that has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Nice (pronounced nais) is an adjective that qualifies what is good, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Ex.:...

Definition of Persuasive

Persuasive is a masculine adjective that qualifies a person who persuades, or has the gift to persuade. Some synonyms for persuasive are hissing, convincing, and hissory. A persuasive person has the power to...

meaning of slogan

Slogan is a short, memorable word or phrase that is often used in commercial, political, religious, etc. advertising. It is a term from English, whose etymological origin is from...

Definition of Limbo

Limbo is a masculine noun originating from the Latin limbus and meaning margin, edge, edge, edge. In the scope of astronomy, limbo is the outer part of a celestial body, whose margin is visible, like...

Definition of etiological agent

An etiologic agent is a causative agent of a disease. It is a term used in parasitology to designate an organism that causes diseases of parasitological origin. Etiological agents can be a...

Definition of Affair

Affair is an expression that comes from the French affaire, which means case. It is often used in Portuguese to define a scandalous love affair or romance, which can be public or kept secret...

Definition of Informal

Informal is a two-gender adjective that describes something or someone that is not formal or a situation in which there is no formality. An informal person is a relaxed person, who doesn't follow rules...

Definition of Searchlight

Searchlight is a masculine noun with origin in the Greek holófotos that indicates a projector of a beam of light that serves to illuminate or make signs. A spotlight is a very popular instrument in...

meaning of voyeur

Voyeur is the masculine noun of French origin that describes a person who derives pleasure from observing other people's sexual acts or intimate practices. For many people, voyeurism (or...

Definition of Uniform

Uniform is an adjective of two genders that qualifies everything that has a single form, which is always the same, which does not vary. Uniform is what has an equal relationship, which is similar, identical,...

What is the difference between England, UK and Great Britain?

Some notions of geography in Brazil are unknown to many Brazilians. Thus, the geography of other ...

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What is an adverb? Classification, grade and adverbial expression

what is adverb? Adverb corresponds to the invariant words that accompany a verb, adjective, or ev...

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What is democracy

What is democracy? Democracy it is a political regime which aims to make all citizens eligible an...

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