Inep announces Encceja 2017 dates

The National Institute of Educational Research and Education Anísio Teixeira (Inep) released this Monday afternoon, 26th of June, at a press conference, the dates and format of the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (fill).

Understand how Encceja works

Registration for Encceja 2017 must be made between the days August 7th and 8th. The notice with the norms and rules will be published on July 24th.

Starting this year, Encceja will again certify secondary education, a function that was part of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) from 2009 to 2016. According to the president of Inep, Maria Inês Fini, the Enem, in its structure, is an exam for access to higher education.

"Encceja is best suited for students who have not been able to complete primary and secondary education at the right age." (Maria Inês Fini, president of Inep)

Encceja 2017 Schedules


The Encceja 2017 tests will be applied on October 8th. You must be at least 15 years old to enroll in Encceja for elementary school, and at least 18 years old for high school certification.

The Encceja tests for elementary school are composed of 30 questions of Portuguese, 30 of Mathematics, 30 of Foreign Language, 30 in Art, 30 in Physical Education, 30 in History, 30 in Geography, 30 in Natural Sciences and Essay.

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Encceja for high school will have 30 questions in each exam. The exam will consist of Natural Sciences, Human Sciences, Mathematics, Languages ​​and Codes and Writing.

For approval, the student needs 100 points in each objective test, with a maximum score of 200. In the essay, the criterion is different, with a grade from 0 to 10, with the necessary average of 5 points to obtain the certificate.

The Encceja

Encceja was created in 2002 with the purpose of evaluating the knowledge of students through tests to grant the certificate of elementary or high school to its participants. Between 2009 and 2016, Enem was adopted as a form of secondary education certification.

Considering that Enem is currently focused on university admissions, Inep decided to return high school certification to Encceja. Brazilians living abroad and deprived of liberty can also complete their studies through Encceja.

Encceja's certificate will be issued by the State Departments of Education and educational institutions that sign a Term of Adhesion with Inep. In the case of those deprived of liberty, the document is delivered by their pedagogical supervisor. Brazilians abroad should seek the diploma at Brazilian embassies and consulates.

More information at Encceja's website.

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