Federal District Geography

The Federal District, located in the region Midwest of Brazil. In the territory, is Brasília, the capital of the country. There, there is the headquarters of the Federal Executive, Chamber of Deputies, Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court.

Your total area is 5,787,784 Km², being considered the smallest autonomous territory in the country. For constitutional reasons, the Federal District cannot be divided into municipalities. So there are the administrative regions (satellite cities), which are 30, with the exception of Brasília.

What we know today about the Federal District arose from President Juscelino Kubitschek's intention to bring the country's capital to the Midwest. Then, with the construction of the capital, the March to the West began, lands that were practically unpopulated.

Soon, there was a great development of the territory, with the annual arrival of approximately 30 thousand people.


  • Relief
  • Climate
  • main problems
  • Vegetation
  • Hydrography


In the Federal District, the

relief forms most found are the plains, plateaus and floodplains. The altitudes are between 600m and 1,100m above sea level.

The highest point in the territory is Pico do Roncador, located in Serra do Sobradinho. In the Hydrogeological Province of the Central Shield, there is the Brasilia Fold Range.

The region is dominated by fractured aquifers and covered by soils. In addition to rocks that have variable physical characteristics and thicknesses.


In the Federal District, the tropical weather, with an average temperature of 22°C. Generally, in the morning, the temperature is lower. But in the afternoon, it usually rises.

In late spring, there are rainy periods, with heavy rains of short duration and a relative humidity of 70%. Between the months of May and September, temperatures are higher and humidity is low.

The territory is very dry. So much so that periods of drought can last up to five months.

main problems

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The main environmental problem found in satellite cities is the air pollution. In addition to this, other issues can be identified, such as the biggest homicide rate, the greatest inequality between the capitals and the illiteracy rate (3,4%).


O thick is the predominant biome in the Federal District. The main characteristic of this biome are the trees with crooked branches and stalks with thick bark and leaves.

Approximately 150 species constitute the region. Most from the Cerrado. Heights reach 25m. There are even some that are considered Federal Ecological Heritage. For example:

  • Paineira
  • Pindaíba
  • Yellow Ipe
  • Purple IPE
  • Buriti
  • Brazil wood

The registered trademark of the Brazilian capital is the ipe. These trees bloom in winter and have flowers in shades of purple, white, pink and yellow.

Yellow ipe, typical tree of the Federal District
Yellow ipe, a tree typical of the Federal District.


In the Federal District, there is a division of three big river basins. These are:

Rio Paranoá: region boundaries Paraná hydrographic;

Rio Preto: limits of São Francisco hydrographic region;

Maranhão River: limits of Araguaia-Tocantins hydrographic region.

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Federal District Geography

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