11 Party Junina Favors

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Guests love party favors! They give the June party a very special atmosphere and are so cute. Check out 11 gift ideas for Festa Junina.

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Guests always love to get a treat at the party. Prepare creative and easy-to-make party favors for your June party. Your celebration will be a success until the end!

Yours June party favors can also serve as:

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Party Junina Table Favors

Party Junina Birthday Party Favors

1decorated candy jars 

decorated candy jars 

2little bundles with sweets 

little bundles with sweets 

3candy bags

candy bags

4Paper and colored fabric houses

Paper and colored fabric houses

5Candies wrapped in fabric 

Candies wrapped in fabric 

6Package decorated with peanuts 

Package decorated with peanuts 

7Popcorn in plastic wrap and crepe paper 

Popcorn in plastic wrap and crepe paper 

8Lollipop with straw hat

Lollipop with straw hat

9basket with popcorn

basket with popcorn

10popcorn flower 

popcorn flower 

11Pots decorated with colorful fabric and a little straw hat 

Pots decorated with colorful fabric and a little straw hat 

See too: 20 Festa Junina Decoration Ideas for School

10 Simple Decoration Ideas for Festa Junina

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12 Phrases for June Party Invitation

27 Quadrilha Steps for a Traditional Junina Party

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