Questions and answers for gymkhana

There's nothing more fun than participating in scavenger hunts, Is not it? Especially when it's time for one of the funniest tests: of questions and answers.

Known as “Passa ou Repass” or “Torta na Cara”, the competition is a dynamic widely used to stimulate quick thinking in students. That Just kidding it has no age and everyone can participate.

Generally, an edible pie (made with whipped cream) is used, but if you don't want to get dirty, you can use the “chews” and the “gifts” as punishment for the losers of each round.

If you're a fan of a good knowledge dispute, check out our list of questions and answers for scavenger hunts coolest and most fun.

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List of questions and answers for scavenger hunts

See below for a list with some questions and answers for scavenger hunts more fun general knowledge for you to use in your next competitions.

  1. Who proclaimed the independence of Brazil? Answer: D. Peter I.
  2. how many colors are there in Rainbow? Answer: 7.
  3. What are the names of the five oceans? Answer: Indian, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Polar.
  4. What is the biggest bone in the human body? Answer: Femur.
  5. Which holiday is celebrated on November 15th? Reply: Proclamation of the Republic.
  6. How many centuries are there in a millennium? Answer: 10 centuries.
  7. What is the highest point in Brazil? Answer: Peak of Fog.
  8.  Jupiter and Pluto are the Roman correlates of which Greek gods? Zeus and Hades.
  9. How to spell the number 55 in Roman numbers? Answer: LV.
  10. How many bones are there in the human body? Answer: 206.
  11. How high is the network of volleyball in male and female games? 2.43 m and 2.24 m, respectively.
  12. How many years are there in two and a half centuries? Answer: 250 years.
  13. The excerpt “Freedom has already dawned on the horizon of Brazil” was taken from which anthem? Reply: Independence.
  14. What is the capital of U.S? Answer: Washington. It's a good prank. Generally, those who don't know much about geography think that the capital of the United States is New York.
  15. A chicken that was born in Chile laid an egg on the Brazil-Chile border. According to Itamaraty, whose egg is it? Chile and Brazil do not share borders.
  16. How many centimeters is a kilometer? Answer: 100,000 cm.
  17. what was the year of Proclamation of the Republic in Brazil? Answer: 1889.
  18. What is the biggest planet in the Solar system? Answer: Jupiter.
  19. what was the name of cripple? Antonio Francisco Lisbon
  20. Approximately how long does the period of Earth translation? Answer: 365 days or 1 year.
  21. What material is extracted from the rubber tree? Answer: Latex.
  22. Which folk character Are you often pleased by hunters with the offer of tobacco? Caipora.
  23. What is the biggest living animal on planet Earth? Answer: Blue whale.
  24. How many states are part of the Southeast region? Answer: 4.
  25. what is the capital of Paraná? Answer: Curitiba
  26. How does the conjugation of the verb fit in the 1st person singular of the present tense?Answer: I fit.
  27. what is the capital of Mato Grosso? Answer: Cuiabá.
  28. How many chemical elements does the periodic table currently have? 118
  29. Who was the first man to set foot on the moon? Answer: Neil Armstrong.
  30. How many times has Brazil been world cup champion? Answer: 5 times.
  31. how many letters is in the alphabet? Answer: 26 letters.
  32. Who painted the Mona Lisa picture? Reply: Leonardo da Vinci.
  33. What is the biggest country in the world in territory? Answer: Russia.
  34. What do you call the wolf collective? Answer: Pack.
  35. Which is smallest country in the world? Answer: Vatican.

If you want to make it easier for the competitor to get the question right, just put another answer option and ask him to say the correct one. It's nice to intersperse so that the participant feels more motivated to respond.

See too: 40 battle cries for scavenger hunt

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