In the history of the world, there have always been diseases that walked along with people. With all kinds of intensity, weak or serious. Many people have been victims of them.
Within that, great care is not enough. It is necessary to be aware and take due care, taking into account that there are certain diseases that have a high power to cause death and are on the list of the most killing in the world.
On this occasion, they are diseases that in many cases have no cure or vaccines to reverse the condition.
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With this in mind, for warning purposes, we will discuss the diseases that kill the most in the world. Look:
1 Cardiovascular disease

With first place, we have a disease that is not communicable and that is generally the result of poor eating habits. In addition, factors that can cause and potentiate this type of disease are:
- Excessive tobacco consumption;
- Obesity;
- Sedentary lifestyle;
- High level of stress;
- Inadequate feeding.
Its symptoms are:
- difficulty breathing
- Dizziness
- fainting
- Pain in left shoulder and others.
This disease kills more than 7 million people a year worldwide.
2 Stroke and cerebrovascular diseases

Brain-related diseases are the second that kill the most in the world, and they are also caused by bad habits, in this case, smoking and excessive use of alcohol.
Its symptoms are:
- Sudden weakness of the face, legs and arms,
- Confusion,
- Difficulty speaking.
3 Respiratory diseases

As one of the main causes of death worldwide, respiratory diseases can be transmitted by coughing, saliva, sneezing, among other ways.
The symptoms are:
- hard breathing
- Fever
- Chills
- Cough
- Loss of appetite.
Respiratory diseases kill more than 3 million people each year.
In addition to these, other diseases that kill the most in the world are:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – 3.28 million people;
- Diarrhea – 2.46 million people;
- HIV – 1.78 million people;
- Trachea, lung and bronchus cancer – 1, 39 million people.
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