Exercises on the Early Middle Ages

THE low middle age is the final phase of Middle Ages which involves the 11th to 15th centuries, a period marked by profound changes in the Europe.

So, answer the exercises on the early middle ages we selected for you!

Exercises on the Early Middle Ages

1- The Low Middle Age is the stage of the Middle Age that follows:

a) First Middle Ages.
b) High Middle Ages.
c) Christian Middle Ages.
d) Feudal Middle Ages.

2- ____________________ appeared during the Low Middle Ages, playing an important role in this period, mainly in the commercial and urban renaissance.

a) monarchy
b) commoner
c) nobility
d) bourgeoisie

3- Check the alternative that contains the main characteristics of the Low Middle Ages.

a) Modifications in feudalism; rebirth of the urban world; trade revival; end of servitude; emergence of the bourgeoisie; political centralization in the hands of kings; crisis of the Catholic Church.
b) Changes in the way of life of the bourgeoisie; rebirth of the urban world; trade revival; end of servitude; emergence of feudalism; political centralization in the hands of kings; crisis of the Catholic Church.

c) Trade modifications; rebirth of the urban world; reheating of feudalism; end of servitude; emergence of the bourgeoisie; political centralization in the hands of kings; crisis of the Catholic Church.
d) Modifications in feudalism; rebirth of the urban world; trade revival; end of servitude; emergence of the bourgeoisie; political centralization in the hands of feudal lords; strengthening of the Catholic Church.

4- What were the main factors that favored population growth in Europe during the Low Middle Ages?

a) End of wars, reduction of epidemics and improvement of trade.
b) End of wars, reduction of planting techniques and improvement of science.
c) End of wars, reduction of epidemics and improvement of planting techniques.
d) End of rural exodus, reduction of epidemics and improvement of planting techniques.

5- Check the alternative that contains the factors that contributed to the decline of feudalism.

a) Climate; demographic instability; cholera; technological stagnation; prolonged wars; cultural and scientific renaissance; rural exodus.
b) Climate; demographic instability; tuberculosis; technological stagnation; prolonged wars; commercial and urban renaissance; urban exodus.
c) Climate; demographic instability; Spanish flu; technological stagnation; prolonged wars; commercial and urban renaissance; rural exodus.
d) Climate; demographic instability; black Plague; technological stagnation; prolonged wars; commercial and urban renaissance; rural exodus.

6- (Fuvest) – The fairs in the Middle Ages were:

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a) local commerce instruments in cities for the daily supply of their inhabitants.
b) exclusive exchange areas for the various European currencies.
c) commercial places of continental scope that dynamized the economy of the time.
d) fixed locations for marketing the production of the fiefs.
e) Carolingian institutions for the revival of trade shaken by the invasions in the Mediterranean.

7- (Fuvest) – From the Great Schism suffered by Christianity in the 11th century, resulted:

a) the establishment of the courts of the Inquisition by the Catholic Church.
b) the Protestant Reformation, which led to the breakdown of the unity of the Catholic Church in Western Europe.
c) the heresy of the Albigenses, condemned by Pope Innocent II.
d) the division of the Church into Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox.
e) the Appointment of Investitures, which prohibited the investiture of clerics by lay people.

8- (PUC-SP) - It cannot be considered as a generator of the commercial renaissance that has taken place in Europe, from the 11th century onwards:

a) the crisis of the feudal mode of production caused by the overexploitation of labor, through the servile relations of production.
b) the availability of labor caused, among other factors, by population growth from the 10th century onwards.
c) the cultural and ideological predominance of the Church, with the appreciation of extraterrestrial life, the condemnation of usury and its position in relation to the “fair price” of goods.
d) the acquisition of “franchise charters”, which strengthened and freed the nascent bourgeoisie from the tax obligations of feudal lords.
e) the crusade movement, which, portraying the mental and religious structure of medieval man, extended between the 11th and 13th centuries.

9- (Vunesp) – From the 12th century, in some European regions, in growing cities, merchants, artisans and bishops allied themselves for the construction of cathedrals with large porticoes, stained glass and rose windows, producing a “poetics of light”, vaults and high towers that dominated the other urban buildings. The style of art at the time is called:

a) Renaissance
b) Byzantine
c) Romanesque
d) gothic
e) baroque

10- (UEL-PR) “[…] the demographic increase, which occurred from the 11th to the 16th century, allowed for the multiplication of the increasingly parasitic nobility. Their consumption habits became more demanding and bigger, which determined a need for an increasingly higher income. There follows, therefore, an overexploitation of the servants' work, requiring them to work longer […]”.

The text describes one of the causes, in Europe, of:

a) formation of the Asian mode of production.
b) consolidation of enlightened despotism.
c) decay of the trade that produced ruralization.
d) crisis that led to the disintegration of feudalism.
e) prosperity that caused the industrialization process.




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Learn more at:

  • List of Exercises on Scientific Rebirth
  • List of exercises on the Renaissance
  • List of exercises on chronological time and historical time

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