Cell cycle exercises

O cell cycle is divided into two stages: the interphase and the mitosis. Each of them has several phases in which the cell performs its functions. metabolic and prepares for the cell division, giving rise to new cells.

We prepare a list of cell cycle exercises so you can test your knowledge of cell life cycle, development and mitotic cell division.

You can consult the feedback and save this list in PDF at the end of the post!

Cell cycle exercises

1) (UFV) In recognition of his pioneering work related to the cell cycle, Leland H. Hartwell, Tim Hunt and Paul Nurse received the 2001 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology. Regarding the cell cycle in eukaryotes, tick the correct alternative.

a) The cell in G1 loses its metabolic activities.
b) DNA and RNA synthesis is more intense during the G2 phase.
c) The S phase is mainly characterized by intense nucleolar activity.
d) In fully differentiated cells the cycle is suspended in S.
e) The cell in G1 has half the amount of DNA compared to G2.

2) We know that the cell cycle can be divided into two distinct stages: interphase and cell division. On the interface, check the correct alternative.

a) It can be divided into three steps G1, G2 and G3.
b) We can define this stage as a period between two cell divisions.
c) In G1 DNA duplication occurs.
d) The G3 phase is characterized by high DNA synthesis.

3) (UNESPAR) Just as human beings have their life cycle, in which we are born, we grow, we can reproduce and we die; cells also have their life cycle. On it, check the correct alternative:

a) the cell cycle is divided into interphase and meiosis in somatic cells.
b) interphase is the shortest phase of the cell cycle in all cells of the body.
c) mitosis is subdivided into phases G1, S and G2.
d) the interphase is the stage of the cell cycle in which the cell presents intense metabolic activity.
e) the cell cycle occurs only in cells that give rise to gametes.

4) We know that the duplication of chromosomes occurs even at interphase. Mark the alternative that correctly indicates at which stage chromosomal DNA duplication will occur.

a) G0.
b) G1.
c) G2.
d) S.
e) S2.

5) Biologists usually divide the cell cycle into interphase (G1, S and G2) and division. A cell has a 20-hour cycle and takes 1 hour to perform complete division, 8 hours to perform the G1 phase, and 3 hours to perform G2. Therefore, this cell takes:

a) 8 hours to duplicate your chromosomes.
b) 3 hours to duplicate your DNA.
c) 1 hour to duplicate your DNA.
d) 8 hours to condense your chromosomes.
e) 1 hour to decondense your chromosomes.

6) We know that each type of cell has a specific period for carrying out the cell cycle. However, during a cycle, it is known that the longest period is the:

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a) apoptosis.
b) interface.
c) meiosis.
d) mitosis.

7) (UDESC) The Cell Cycle, represented in Figure 1, comprises two stages: Interphase (I) with phases (G1/G0 – S – G2) and Cell Division (M).

Exercise - Cell Cycle 7Check the correct alternative in relation to Figure 1.

a) In the S phase, DNA duplication occurs.
b) In the G1 phase, the cell has all the duplicated DNA.
c) The interphase stage is long in cells from developing embryos.
d) Cell Cycle time is the same for all cells.
e) Steps G0 and G1 only occur before mitotic divisions.

8) (UFSM) A biochemist measured the amount of DNA in cells grown in the laboratory and found that the amount of DNA in the cell doubled:

a) between the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle.
b) between the prophase and anaphase of mitosis.
c) during cell cycle metaphase.
d) between prophase I and prophase II of meiosis.
e) between anaphase and telophase of mitosis.

9) (PUC-RS) A somatic cell with 8 chromosomes during the G1 phase of interphase, upon entering mitotic division, will present in metaphase ________ metaphase chromosomes, each with ________.

a) 4 - 2 chromatids
b) 16 - 2 chromatids
c) 8 - 1 chromatid
d) 4 - 1 chromatid
e) 8 - 2 chromatids

10) (UFRR) In the S period (interphase) of the cell cycle, a transcendental event occurs importance, which allows that after the period of mitosis, the new cells can have the same genetic information. In relation to this event, it is correct to state that:

a) the main characteristic of this event is that at the end of the process, two daughter cells are formed.
b) a mutation that occurs in this event will not be transmitted to daughter cells through mitotic division.
c) the genetic material is transcribed with the participation of the RNA polymerase enzyme.
d) the translation process takes place, that is, the genetic material is expressed, forming proteins.
e) in the S period, the DNA content is doubled, but in a complementary way and the DNA daughter molecules retain half of the parent molecule.


1 and
2 - b
3 - d
4 - d
5 - the

6 - b
7 - the
8 - the
9 and
10 - and

Click here to save this exercise list to PDF!

See too:

  • List of exercises on biogeochemical cycles
  • List of exercises on the oxygen cycle
  • List of carbon cycle exercises

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