High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that in Brazil, about 30% of the population suffers from the problem that evolves almost always slowly and without symptoms.
O Physical Activities for Hypertensives course of the Escola Educação online platform allows students to learn to identify and prevent the problem. The purpose of the classes is to bring appropriate exercises to treat hypertension, as well as guidance on better nutrition.
There are options for simple physical activities, which can be done at home, and specific exercises for the elderly.
Check out all the course topics below:
- Prevention of hypertension through physical activities
- What is high blood pressure?
- How is blood pressure measured?
- Causes of Hypertension
- Symptoms and Treatment
- Physical activities for hypertensives
- Walking, running and cycling
- yoga and pilates
- Water aerobics and swimming
- Aerobics & Dances
- Jump rope
- Bodybuilding
- Pre-exercise care for hypertensive patients
- Physical activities to do at home
- Physical activity for hypertensive elderly
- Food and hypertension
- Foods That Help Fight High Blood Pressure
- Free Online Inclusive Education Course
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Know that the course has no enrollment requirement, people of all educational backgrounds and levels can enroll. It is only necessary to access the module ofcourse through the Escola Educação website.
The classes are free, however, if they contribute to your learning, ask for the certificate of completion (100 hours), and pay only BRL 49.90* for the digital document and BRL 54.90* + shipping for the printed and digital. Have a good course and do more physical activity, in addition to being a healthy habit, it can also be a lot of fun!
*Due to operating and logistical costs, values are subject to change without prior notice.
See too:
- Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence: Free Online Course!
- Research says that 'burnout' game can be a tool of oppression
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