Welcome is an English term meaning “welcome or welcome”. It is usually used to welcome someone. It is very common to see welcome written at the entrance of public places, in...
A bad mood is the state of mind of someone who is not in a good mood. The grumpy is the one who is angry, disgusted with something, complaining about everything. The bad mood expression comes from the meeting of the...
Indeed is an adverb in English, which means actually, actually, truly. The word indeed can have several functions in a sentence, it can be used to emphasize, to express agreement...
To abstract is a verb that means to disregard, not give much importance or not take something into consideration. It is not giving so much importance to an event or an issue. Abstract can also be...
A route is a path, a direction or a course that connects one place to another; an itinerary that defines the path taken to get somewhere. The expression "draw a route" is used when you want to...
Zip (or ZIP) is a file format used for compressing data stored on your computer. The purpose of compression is to reduce the size of a file or group multiple files into one. É...
Observation is the act of observing, this means having the attention directed to something specific, with the intention of later judging, analyzing or investigating a certain thing or someone. When a...
Wholesale is the type of trade whose target audience is other companies or institutions, that is, legal entities. Wholesale trade is, therefore, carried out between two companies and not between companies and...
Expressing is a verb that corresponds to the action of exposing something, whether through words or attitudes. Expressing is declaring something, giving an opinion or conveying what you think about something. And in...
Atiçar is a verb in Portuguese that can mean the act of activating or enlivening something, promoting its functioning through a stimulating action. Usually, the term “stirring” is used to...
Dama is the generic name given to a woman of good manners, well educated, noble and distinguished. The word "lady", as a form of address", is also used to call in a considerate, respectful and...
Columbus' Egg is a popular expression that means that something very difficult to accomplish, seems very easy, once it's done. Columbus' Egg is a metaphor used to assert that anyone...
So it is a conjunction used to indicate the conclusion of a previous idea within a sentence. According to Portuguese grammar, conjunctions are words that act like...
Oops is an interjection of amazement. It is also the acronym for Public Offer for Acquisition. See the meaning of Public Offer for Acquisition. The interjection oops is used to react to something that was said...
In situ is a Latin expression that means “in place” or “in place”, literally translated into Portuguese. This term can be applied in different contexts, being more common its use...