The strength of cigarettes in the body

For long and long years people were taught that smoking would only provoke reactions in the body after a big period of use, but recent studies disprove such teachings and frighteningly show the real strength of cigarettes in body. This, composed of dry tobacco wrapped in a thin paper that burns after being lit, provokes rapid reactions in the human body.

According to scholars, about 10% of smokers who put the first cigarette in their mouth already show significant reactions in the organism that cause dependence for a period of up to two days later, an idea that applied only to long-term smokers date. The curious thing is that a cigarette can supply, in beginning smokers, the body's need for the drug for up to a week, which does not happen with long-term smokers.

Intriguingly, the nicotine present in a single cigarette is able to increase the production of hormone receptors in the frontal lobe of the brain, in the hippocampus and in the cerebellum, which involves long-term memory. Thus, two days after having smoked a single cigarette, an individual starts to need the drug in the body. The manifestation of drug addiction occurs because of the adaptations the body makes to receive it in the quest to maintain its chemical and functional balance.

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Over time, people tend to need a new cigarette in a short period of time, that is, within a period of time. after two hours, the organism leaves the individual restless, irritated and anxious, causing him to seek calmness in the cigarette.

Quitting smoking is not easy. According to surveys, only 3% of smokers are able to quit the habit and the rest may even be able to quit for a period, but after that they start smoking again. It is believed that the best way to quit the addiction is to quit it all at once and not gradually as many do.

By Gabriela Cabral
Brazil School Team

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DANTAS, Gabriela Cabral da Silva. "The strength of cigarettes in the body"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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