October 4th — Nature's Day

On October 4th, Nature's Day is celebrated., a date created with the aim of making the population aware of the importance of preserving the environment. This date was chosen because it is the date of the celebration in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, a Catholic friar and saint who stood out for being passionate about nature.

The importance of creating the date lies in the fact that the environment has been victim, especially after the industrial revolution, of several negative impacts. THE pollution From water resources, gives atmosphere, From soils, as well as the logging and fires are some of the problems faced by nature today.

The consequences of our actions are visible nowadays and, every day, they present themselves with greater intensity. A clear example of the inadequate use of resources that nature offers us is the water crisis, which leaves many people without water in Brazil and in the world. Another problem that deserves to be highlighted is the destruction of habitat, which leads several species to extinction each year. We can't forget about the

global warming, which many researchers claim is the result of pollution caused by man, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels.

In addition to the impacts observed immediately, predictions for the future of the planet are not the most optimistic. According to data from various institutions, such as the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), the planet is not capable of producing the resources necessary for our consumption at the same speed that we use them. Therefore, many natural resources may simply run out. Furthermore, nature cannot absorb all the waste produced by human beings, which makes our planet increasingly polluted and unhealthy.

We commonly complain that there are not enough public policies to protect the environment. However, we forgot to make a detailed assessment of our actions. How many minutes do you take in the shower? Do you use rainwater? How many appliances do you use at the same time? Do you use food produced by companies that care about the environment? Is your consumption conscious? Do you dispose of all your garbage worrying about selective collection? Do you use the car daily?

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Despite appearing to be simple attitudes, the vast majority of people are not concerned with these details and, consequently, contribute to the degradation of the environment. Therefore, October 4th should be a day to demand changes from our government officials in relation to the environment and, also, to evaluate our behavior in relation to nature.

You can help nature with little actions. See how:

Avoid excessive energy consumption, always remembering to turn off electronic devices when not in use;

Avoid taking long baths. In addition to consuming a lot of energy, the use of water is frightening;

Whenever possible, reuse washing machine water to wash floors and clean sidewalks. Rainwater can also be used for this purpose, in addition to being used to water plants;

Buy only what you need and always try to buy products from companies involved in social and environmental responsibility programs;

Never buy wild animals without IBAMA certification;

Avoid consuming beef, as large cattle farms cause many impacts, in addition to using a large amount of water for production;

Whenever possible, separate the garbage so that it can be collected by selective collection. If you prefer, deliver material to collectors and cooperatives responsible for recycling the material;

Avoid driving only in a car, as the burning of fossil fuels is directly related to the increase in air pollution. Whenever possible, choose to walk or cycle;

Pay attention to your home, always worrying about leaks and energy-consuming equipment.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "October 4th — Nature's Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-natureza.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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