Latest Meanings (112)

Meaning of the Law of Supply and Demand

The law of supply and demand is one of the bases of the market and consists of the relationship between the price of goods and services offered and the existing demand for them. The law of supply and demand is one of the concepts...

meaning of theology

Theology is the study of the existence of God, of questions concerning the knowledge of the divinity, as well as of his relationship with the world and with men. From the Greek “theos” (god, a term used in the world...

meaning of I think therefore I am

“I think, therefore I exist” is an iconic phrase said by the French philosopher René Descartes, which marked the vision of the Enlightenment movement, placing human reason as the only form of existence. Rene...

Definition of Economy

Economics is a science that studies the processes of production, distribution, accumulation and consumption of material goods. It is the restraint or moderation in spending, it is a saving. In the figurative sense,...

Definition of Fascist

Fascist is an adjective that defines something or someone adept at fascism. The term fascist can qualify anything that is related to the ideals of fascism, be it a person, a regime, an attitude,...

meaning of social inequality

Social inequality is a concept that mainly affects undeveloped and underdeveloped countries, where there is no balance in the standard of living of their inhabitants, whether in the economic sphere,...

Definition of Idem

Idem is a word with Latin origin and means "the same", "equal" or "in the same way". The term is normally used in bibliographic citations, to avoid the repetition of the author's name...

meaning of republic

Republic is a word that describes a form of government in which the Head of State is elected by the representatives of citizens or by the citizens themselves, and performs its function for a period of time. limited...

Definition of Monopoly

Monopoly is the uncompetitive exploitation of a business or industry by virtue of a privilege. It is the exclusive possession or right. To have a monopoly is to own or enjoy exploration...

meaning of feminism

Feminism is a political, philosophical and social movement that defends equal rights between women and men. The "embryo" of the feminist movement emerged in Europe in the mid-nineteenth century, as a...

Definition of Greek Architecture

Ancient Greek architecture will lay the foundations for what will be built in the West during the following centuries, and its influence has been found to this day. The Greeks owe...

Definition of Birth Rate

Birth rate is the percentage of births that occur in a population in a given period of time. The birth rate of a population gathers information that makes it possible to establish a...

Meaning of Social Prejudice

Social class prejudice is a negative attitude towards people based on their economic status, education level and access to income. In other words, it's the kind of prejudice regarding...

meaning of invisible hand

Invisible Hand is a concept created by philosopher and economist Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776. According to the concept of the invisible hand, the free market would self-regulate,...

Definition of Hypertrophy

Hypertrophy is the increase in the size of an organ as a consequence of increased cellular functions. The most common hypertrophy is in the musculature (muscular hypertrophy). It can be caused by factors...

Latest Meanings (271)

Definition of CatalystA catalyst is a substance that reduces the activation energy of a chemical ...

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Latest Meanings (273)

meaning of officeOffice is an English word that means office. It has its origins in the Latin off...

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Popular Meanings (273)

Definition of BitcoinBitcoin (also known by the acronym BTC), is a virtual (or digital) currency ...

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