March 10 – Telephone Day

The invention and patenting of the first telephone device took place in the 1870s. The main responsible for this was the Scottish inventor and entrepreneur Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922). O first electrical voice transmission record made by Graham Bell happened at March 10, 1876. It is because of this that this day was chosen to be celebrated as the phone day.

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Historical context of phone creation

We know that, throughout its history, the human being always sought to develop instruments and utensils that provided greater ease and dexterity for their actions. even in the Pre-Hstory, the mastery of various forms of stone and wood, as well as the splinters of animal bones and hides, provided the first anthropoids perform actions, such as hunting and fishing, that would not have the same viability if they were carried out with “clean” hands, that is, without tools.

Over the centuries, the domain of other raw materials and the development of science, in modernity, made possible the invention of even more complex artifacts. From the 18th century, with the advent of

Industrial Revolution, event that it interconnected, in fact, scientific knowledge and technological application, a succession of inventions began to flood the world. One of these inventions was the telephone of Bell.

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Graham Bell and the Creation of the Telephone

Alexander Graham Bell was on the roster of inventor-scientists of the 19th century linked to the field of electricity and electromagnetism. In the specific field of electric voice transmission, the one who is considered the pioneer is the German Johann Philipp Reis. Reis was the first inventor of an artifact close to what would be the telephone, in the 1850s. However, it was Bell who managed to produce the most complete and efficient model for the time.

It is noteworthy that, although he had great merit in inventing the first telephone, Graham Bell had to rival another inventor, the electrical engineer Elisha Gray (1835-1901), to get the telephone patent. Bell was faster in the patenting process and got for himself the legal advantages to continue his project. It is also important to emphasize the role that the second emperor of Brazil, Pedro II, had in the story of Bell and his invention.

Graham Bell was able to patent the telephone, thus being able to enjoy the title of “inventor of the telephone”.
Graham Bell was able to patent the telephone, thus being able to enjoy the title of “inventor of the telephone”.

In the same year that Bell managed to make the first electric voice transmission, it was organized in the U.S, in Philadelphia, the "Centennial Exhibition” – in honor of the hundred years of USA independence. At this event, many inventions were exhibited for evaluation by experts and other interested parties. One of the distinguished evaluators was Dom Pedro II, who was a notorious technology enthusiast. Bell was, for the first time, exhibiting his invention and went with Dom Pedro II who, in public, talked on the phone, at a distance of 150 meters from the emperor. Bell would have said the phrase from Shakespeare's character Hamlet, “to be or not to be” (“To be or not to be.”), and the emperor would have replied: “My God, this speaks”.

In the years to come, the inventor of the telephone would build his own telecommunications company, called Bell Telephone Company, which later came to be called American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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FERNANDES, Claudio. "March 10th – Telephone Day"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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