Scandinavia: countries, map, tourism and curiosities

THE Scandinavia corresponds to a region north of the European continent covering the two countries of Peninsula Scandinavian Norway and Sweden. Linguistic, historical and cultural factors led to the addition ofDenmark. Some authorities and scholars advocate the inclusion of Finland, Faroe Islands and Iceland, due to the linguistic, economic and geological similarity between the countries.

Is Scandinavia a country?

No, Scandinavia is not a country, but a historical and geographic region made up of countries that, in addition to presenting high Human Development Indices, share of historical processes, culture and similar languages.

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General data


Denmark - 42,496 km2

Norway - 385,155 km2

Sweden - 449,964 km2


Denmark and Norway - Oceanic

Norway and Sweden - Continental


Denmark - Danish

Norway - Norwegian

Sweden - Swedish


Denmark - 5.749 million inhabitants

Norway - 5,258 million inhabitants

Sweden - 9,995 million inhabitants


Denmark - Danish krone

Norway - Norwegian krone

Sweden - Swedish krona

Nordic countries x Scandinavia

Many refer to Scandinavia as synonymous with the Nordic countries. This is a mistake. You Nordic countries are a region, located in the North of the European continent, constituted by Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and the regions of Greenland, Faroe Islands and Aland Islands. It is, therefore, a region composed of five nations and three autonomous regions.

already the Scandinavia is composed just for three nations. These countries constitute the Nordic Council and cooperate with each other.

The dominant languages ​​in the Nordic Countries region are: Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Icelandic and Faroese. About 25 million people inhabit the region.

know more: Europe's population is aging.

Characteristics of Scandinavian countries


Norway is the country with the best Human Development Index in the world.
Norway is the country with the best Human Development Index in the world.

THE Norway it is the country with the highest HDI in the world. This means that it has a lot of efficiency in the sectors of health and of the education, as well as holds a high economy, considered very stable. According to the United Nations, Norway has Life expectancy that surpasses the 80 years. It is also considered one of the best countries to work in on the European continent. your capital is Oslo.


Sweden has education as one of its priorities and is one of the most innovative countries in the world.
Sweden has education as one of its priorities and is one of the most innovative countries in the world.

THE Sweden is known as one of the most innovators of the world and also as one of the leaders of competitiveness ranking between countries. It has a high HDI, excellent rates in the education sector, excellent quality, and an efficient health sector.

It is the most populous among the Nordic countries and has one of the sights most beautiful in the world, what attracts many tourists. Currently, many refugees, fleeing crises and wars on the European continent, take refuge in Sweden, which ended up raising the rates of violence in the country. your capital is Stockholm.


Denmark is considered one of the most liberal countries in the world when it comes to sexual freedom.
Denmark is considered one of the most liberal countries in the world when it comes to sexual freedom.

THE Denmark is known for honesty and confidence and also by enhanced security. The country has a high HDI, as in the case of life expectancy, which exceeds 80 years, as in Norway. Your culture it is considered one of the most progressive of the world.

In the country, the prostitution is allowed different from most cultures in the world. The country defend The sexual freedom and condemn you religious taboos. The country is considered one of the safer for women. Its policy advocates social welfare and equal rights between genders. your capital is Copenhagen.


You vikings were a people who inhabited the northern region of the European continent, specifically the region of Scandinavia, throughout the period known as Viking era (which corresponds to nearly three centuries of Scandinavian history, between 800 and 1500). They are seen as the warrior, explorer and merchant people who sought land in order to colonize, cultivate and trade in them.

Vikings moved to other regions, and this displacement is sometimes justified by the population increase that caused the lack of food and intensified the disputesby land. To learn more about this, read the text: Vikings


The languages ​​spoken in the Scandinavia region are the Danish, O Norwegian it's the Swedish, these being very close. These languages ​​were influenced by German, Low German and Dutch, during the period of Middle Ages. already the long political relationship between the Denmark and Norway made the languages ​​of these two countries become very similar.


The Scandinavian model proposed the union between Denmark, Norway and Sweden, with a view to becoming a single kingdom amidst the conflicts between the French empire and other nations, which became known as Napoleonic Wars. Geographically, Norway and Sweden were united and formed the "Geographic Scandinavia". However, political, linguistic and cultural factors contributed to Denmark's membership.

O Scandinavian term, with regard to politics, was replaced by Nordic countries and later by Nordic Council, which designates a cooperation body between Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland.

The call Nordic model, also known as Nordic Social Democracy, it represents the socio-economic policies of the Nordic countries. This model is based on a relationship between the free market economy it's the social welfare. Many confuse it with the model socialist.

However, the Nordic model transits between the capitalism and socialism, being ruled:

  • in the workforce that seeks to stabilize the economy through the installation of state-owned companies;

  • in promoting gender equality and social mobility;

  • in presenting low free trade barriers and low rates of corruption;

  • in poverty reduction;

  • and in ensuring the human rights basic.

It is fair to say that the Nordic countries do not have on one same set of policies and rules, each having its own economic and social model.

Read more:Ragnarok: End of the Nordic Universe


Scandinavian countries have breathtaking landscapes. Here are some places worth visiting:

1. Rosenborg Castle, Denmark

Rosenborg Castle, located in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen.
Rosenborg Castle, located in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Rosenborg Castle is a magnificent construction that refers to several literary stories. It was built in the XVII century and today is a museum. It is located in the capital, Copenhagen.

2. Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, known for its lush landscapes and low pollution.
Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, known for its lush landscapes and low pollution.

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and one of the cities with most beautiful landscapes in the world. It has several museums, parks, restaurants and galleries.

3. Lofoten Islands, Norway

Many tourists head to the Lofoten Islands to see the Northern Lights.
Many tourists head to the Lofoten Islands to see the Northern Lights.

Lofoten is an archipelago located in Norway and known for presenting the largest temperature variations in the world. Is characterized by mountains, protected coves and unexplored areas. Many visitors come to the Lofoten Islands to see the Northern Lights.


  • Scandinavian countries are known to be the happiest countries in the world. According to the World Happiness Report, Denmark, Norway and Iceland are among the first happiest countries in the world.

  • Norway is considered the most democratic country in the world.

  • Kronborg Castle, located in Denmark, inspired William Shakespeare to write one of his most famous works: Hamlet. The castle receives around 200,000 people a year and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

by Rafaela Sousa
Graduated in Geography

Scandinavia: countries, map, tourism and curiosities

Scandinavia: countries, map, tourism and curiosities

THE Scandinavia corresponds to a region north of the European continent covering the two countrie...

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