Nominal Complement Morphosyntax. Nominal Complement

The sentence (statement centered on a verb) is studied by syntax. To facilitate this study, the prayer was divided into terms classified as essential, integral and accessory. The nominal complement composes the integral terms.

O nominal complement it is a term that complements the meaning of names (nouns, adjectives and adverbs). Therefore, there are also names that are transitive, that is, that seek complement. Follow the examples:

  1. the teacher has Cautionwith the children.

  2. It's impossible not to feel longingof friends.

You can see that the terms highlighted in yellow are complementing the meaning of the nouns. However, which grammatical classes can perform the syntactic function of nominal complement?

A word can be analyzed considering its morphological (grammatical class) and syntactic (function of terms in clause) aspects. However, the analysis can also be done considering these two aspects. When this happens, the analysis is classified as morphosyntactic.

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The noun complement can have as a head, ie, main part, a noun, a pronoun or a numeral, it can even be represented by a prayer. Look:

  1. the boy is jealous of co-worker. (substantive)

  2. the man was conscious in everything. (pronoun)

  3. the job will be good To the four. (numeral)

  4. I am sure that everything will be alright. (Nominal Nominal Nominal Noun Subordinated clause)

Whenever it is necessary to classify a term as Nominal Complement, do not forget that it will complete the meaning of a name (noun, adjective and adverb), will be introduced by preposition and will have as its nucleus the noun, the pronoun and the numeral, which may be represented by a prayer.

By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters

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PAVAN, Mayra Gabriella de Rezende. "Nominal Complement Morphosyntax"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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