Halter voting is an ancient system of abusive, imposing and arbitrary political control, practiced during the period known as Coronelismo. The word “cabresto” comes from the Latin capistrum, which...
Cultural appropriation is the use of elements typical of a given culture by people belonging to a different cultural group. This is a concept of anthropology that is the subject of many debates,...
Apud is a Latin word meaning next to, close to, in. It is used in bibliographic references to make an indirect citation, that is, cite an excerpt that was not read directly in the work...
Military dictatorship is a form of government whose political powers are controlled by the military. The meaning of dictatorship refers to any government regime in which all powers are under authority...
Dictatorship is a governmental regime in which all state powers are concentrated in an individual, a group or a party. The dictator does not admit opposition to his actions and ideas, and has a large part of the...
Civil disobedience is a type of manifestation legally accepted against the regime imposed by a oppressive government, when a group of citizens refuses to obey certain laws, in the form of protest,...
A dictatorship is a government regime in which there is a concentration of power and decisions in one person or in a group. It is an anti-democracy government regime in which the participation of citizens...
Social inequality is the imbalance in living conditions among the citizens of a country. It is basically defined by two characteristics: economic differences and differences in access to...
Semi-presidentialism is a type of government system that mixes characteristics of presidentialism and parliamentarism. In this system, the president divides the obligations of public administration...
Presidentialism is a common form of government in the republics, which configures the separation of the three spheres of power: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. In presidential regimes, the Executive Power...
Vegetative growth is the value obtained through the difference between the birth rate and the death rate in a given region. Along with the migratory rate, vegetative growth helps...
Anomie is a concept that refers to the social state of absence of rules and norms, where individuals disregard the social control that governs a given society. Thus, the so-called anonymous societies...
Carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide is a chemical made up of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom (CO 2 ), found naturally in the atmosphere, produced by the breathing of animals...
Political act means governmental act, and is practiced by political agents in the performance of executive, legislative and judicial functions, in accordance with the competence established in the...
Treasury means public treasury, it's a Latin term, aerarium. Treasury is the money the Government has to administer the country, it is the set of assets, made up of financial resources,...