Popular Meanings (102)

Definition of Logical Reasoning

Logical reasoning is a process of structuring thought according to the norms of logic that allows reaching a certain conclusion or solving a problem. Logical reasoning requires...

Definition of Syndrome

Syndrome (from the Greek "syndrome", meaning "meeting") is a term often used in Medicine and Psychology to characterize the set of signs and symptoms that define a given pathology...

Definition of Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy is a type of therapy that treats problems and illnesses from a global perspective of the human being. Holistic therapy, different from therapies that focus only on the problem or symptoms...

meaning of caucasian

Caucasian is the term used to define an ethnic division of light-skinned (white) individuals, essentially from the European continent. The term Caucasian was created as a synonym for...

Meaning of Ines is dead

"Inês é morta" is an expression in the Portuguese language and means "it doesn't work anymore". Nowadays the phrase is used to express the uselessness of certain actions. Often this complete expression is...

meaning of android

Android is the name of the Linux-based operating system that operates on mobile phones (smartphones), netbooks and tablets. It is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, an alliance between several companies, including...

meaning of tourism

Tourism is the set of activities that involve the movement of people from one place to another, be it domestic or international. Tourism is linked to several segments, including tourism from...

Definition of Firstborn

Firstborn is the term used to designate the first child of a couple, also known as the eldest child, in relation to their consanguineous siblings. The eldest son is always the first...

meaning of Hinduism

Hinduism is the official religion of India and one of the oldest religious traditions in historical record. It is the third largest religion in the world, losing only in number of followers...

meaning of church

Church, from the Latin ecclesia, is a Christian temple, it is the place of preaching the teachings of Christ, obeying the principles of Christian ethics. Church is the group of believers united by the same faith and that...

Definition of City-State

City-State is a city, an independent place, which has its own government. The city-state is a city within another city, where it survives regardless of where it is located, with its...

meaning of forgiveness

Forgiveness is the human action of getting rid of a guilt, an offense, a debt and so on. Forgiveness is a mental process aimed at eliminating any resentment, anger, resentment or other negative feelings...

Meaning of Avarice

Avarice is a feminine noun that means too much and sordid attachment to money. It is the burning desire to accumulate wealth. Avarice is the lack of generosity is the pettiness, the stinginess, the...

Meaning of Acquisition

Acquisition is the act of taking possession of something, be it goods, product, service or knowledge. The acquisition is what was acquired, and this acquisition may have been made in different ways, by...

Meaning of HTML

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, which means "HyperText Markup Language". It consists of a markup language used to produce web pages, which...

Latest Meanings (265)

Definition of DepressionDepression is a term used in psychiatry to designate a mood disorder, a s...

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Popular Meanings (265)

meaning of hand on the wheelHand on the wheel is an informal expression used to designate a valua...

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Popular Meanings (268)

Definition of DescendantDescending means "descending" or "descending". It is often used to define...

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