Bat (Chiroptera Order)

Kingdom animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order chiroptera

Bats are the only mammals capable of flying. Such animals, found in different environments around the world, have other peculiarities, such as the habit of remaining upside down when at rest; and the ability to locate their prey and specific locations by virtue of a system called echolocation, which works like sonar.
There are more than 1150 species of bats found all over the world, distributed in the most diverse environments. They usually live in tree trunks, caves and abandoned dwellings.

Most are nocturnal, and herbivorous diet. This fact is a very important ecological aspect presented by these animals, as it allows like butterflies, they pollinate several flowers and also disperse seeds, after feeding on their fruits. Thus, they are largely responsible for maintaining forest environments. The carnivorous diet also has a very relevant aspect: the fact that it favors the predation of animals that can cause diseases, such as Aedes aegipty.

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There are also hematophagous species, that is, they feed on blood. They are: the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus), the white-winged vampire bat (Diaemus youngi) and the furry-legged vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata). All of them have two characteristics that differentiate them from other bats: the snout in the shape of a lock and the absence of a tail.

In the case of rabies, this disease can be transmitted by any mammal. In the case of bats, the affected animals tend to be seen during the day, fallen, with an apparent difficulty in flying. In situations like this, it is best to avoid contact with the animal, and get in touch with the Zoonoses Center.

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Brazil School Team

Vertebrates -Animals -Brazil School

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Bat (Order Chiroptera)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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