Vertebrate animals. Definition of Vertebrate Animals

Quickly answer: WHAT IS A VERTEBRATE? Whoever answered “a being that has vertebrae” was wrong!

Not all animals considered vertebrates have, in fact, vertebrae, such as, for example, lampreys and witches – classified as agnates. Fully formed vertebrae are found only in gnathotomates – vertebrates with jaws.

All vertebrates have a head and skull surrounding the brain, which is formed by the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. They also have, in the embryonic stage, the neural crest – forming structures such as the cephalic ones. It is these peculiarities that set them apart from all other living organisms.

The relatively large size is also a feature that can be attributed to vertebrates – although there are invertebrate representatives of considerable size.

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This increase in body mass led to a need for more specialized systems to optimally perform the physiological functions of organisms.

Muscles (skeletal, cardiac, and smooth striated muscle) and internal skeleton also form structures necessary for these animals to adapt - in addition to the epithelial, connective, vascular, muscular and nervous tissues, responsible for the formation of organs. They also have skin and attachments such as hair, scales, horns, horns, feathers and nails.

These animals can breathe through gills or lungs and even through their skin. They excrete ammonia, urea or uric acid.

Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

( ) Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are considered tetrapods.

( ) All representatives of the Subphylum Vertebrata have vertebrae.

( ) Chondrites are aquatic animals with a cartilaginous skeleton.

( ) Agnathus have a circular mouth and no mandible.

( ) The Amphibia Class is represented only by toads, frogs and tree frogs.

A) Hair, glands, differentiated teeth and the presence of a diaphragm characterize mammals.

B) Mammals excrete urea.

C) All female mammals have breasts.

d) Most mammals belong to the eutherium group, and their main characteristic is the presence of a well-developed and long-lasting placenta.

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