Types of industrialization. Forms of industrialization.

In addition to the three Industrial Revolutions that humanity has gone through at different periods, society around the world has already witnessed three different types or models of industrialization, each occurring in some particular places. These models varied according to the degree of development and geopolitical domain of the National States. The industrial process took place, first, in countries considered developed and, finally, in countries called underdeveloped and emerging.

classic industrialization

Classic industrialization took place in developed countries, happening first in England, in the second mid-eighteenth century, and extending throughout the nineteenth century in other countries also considered developed.

These countries, during this process, underwent profound changes in their respective spaces geographic areas, which have changed as the economy and other sectors of society have also changed. modified.

The countries that went through the classical revolution were always pioneers when it came to the development of new technologies. They are characterized by being large importers of raw materials used in their process industrial, and because they are large exporters of industrialized products and, mainly, of high technology.

Most of today's multinational companies come from classically industrialized countries.

planned industrialization

This type of industrialization took place throughout the 20th century and practically no longer exists. It began after the emergence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and spread to all countries that adopted the Soviet socialist model.

Unlike other forms of industrialization, all factories, industries and properties were state owned. In this case, it was not the market that regulated the economy, but the State. He was the one who determined wages, product prices and economic and social transformations.

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With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the decline of the socialist world based on the Soviet model at the end of the 20th century, this type of industrialization collapsed. State properties were mostly privatized to foreign or closed companies, the unemployment rate increased and the economy of these countries suffered. serious crises.

Late or peripheral industrialization

This industrialization model took place mainly in underdeveloped and emerging countries, including Brazil. It began in the mid-twentieth century, first in Latin America, in the 1950s, and, later, in 1960, to the Far East, Southeast Asia and South Africa. There are still countries that are going through this industrialization process today.

Late industrialization is mainly characterized by the installation of foreign companies, multinationals. Therefore, some critics claim that these countries do not IF industrialized, but WERE industrialized, that is, the process of industrial growth in these countries was passive and coordinated by foreign capital at its leisure.

Most factories are of the consumer goods type, that is, they produce goods directly from the consumer. The technology used is almost always of foreign origin.

By Rodolfo A. Feather
Graduated in Geography

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "Types of industrialization"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/tipos-industrializacao.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

d) of the modern type that, like all other forms of industrialization, generated a mass of unemployed, generally formed by people with low educational level and who were unable to enter the market of work.

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