Ideal Socialism and Real Socialism

Real socialism is what exists to this day in a small number of countries and has been practiced throughout the 20th century. The ideal socialism, on the other hand, is one that has not been put into practice, which is limited only to imagination.

Ideal socialism arose at a time when the industrial revolution was going through a period of ascent, and at that time the working class was facing problems, because the workload and low wages made life very difficult for workers, with that some socialist thinkers wanted to implement a more equality.
Karl Marx was the most famous of thinkers, for him capitalism has a great virtue, which is the ability to generate wealth. From there, he imagined a society where private properties would belong to the state and where all the wealth generated would be shared among the workers. There being no more class division, the state would be led by the proletarian, after this stage the socialism would become communism and the state would be extinct, as well as the government, the police etc.

Socialism, in its essence, presented itself as something favorable to the working class, in practice the regime was not successful, the countries that adhered to such a political regime did not establish themselves on the world stage and, in addition, faced several problems due to the system.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

General geography - geography - Brazil School

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Ideal Socialism and Real Socialism"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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