How to recover the Atlantic Forest?

To carry out the recovery of the Atlantic Forest good planning and work that favors long-term results is necessary. However, it is impossible to talk about preservation without fighting the activities and elements that obstruct the growth of forest, such as carrying out agricultural activities close to conservation sites, the advance of pests, among others.

The first and most recommended form of forest recovery is the practice of Spontaneous Regeneration, as it is the cheapest, cleanest and most practical way. As the name suggests, it consists in allowing the forest to recover itself, without human intervention, through the various means of dispersal of seeds existing in nature, such as the action of winds, birds and insects. For this, as already mentioned, it is necessary to interrupt practices and phenomena that hinder regeneration or that directly or indirectly damage vegetation.

However, Spontaneous Regeneration is not always the most viable way to practice forest recovery. Sometimes it is not possible and sometimes it is not recommended, especially when the number of plant species is limited, as spontaneous regeneration, in this case, would provide less diversity, which makes the forest more vulnerable.

In this case, the most recommended procedure is the Reforestation, which should be carried out, preferably, with species native to the region, even those that were completely removed from the forest area and found only in other places. The advantage of this procedure is the speed with which its effects materialize, in addition to the genetic variability provided by the great diversity of species that will appear.

Even with all the existing procedures and all the advances in science in the area of ​​forest regeneration, the recovery of the Atlantic Forest runs into numerous problems, such as the high costs and disputes of many of its lands.

For this reason, the Forest Pact. It is an initiative of some research centers, together with the private sector, universities and government agencies to accelerate the process of preservation and recovery of the Mata forest Atlantic. The goal is to recover 15 million hectares by the year 2050.

Currently, the Atlantic Forest accounts for only 7.91% of its original area, and more than 80% of the vegetation that still exists is sprayed in areas with less than 50 hectares.

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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