In predominantly Catholic countries, throughout June 29th celebrate the St. Peter's day, or, as it is formally known: a Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. The memory of the two holy apostles, Peter and Paul, is remembered and celebrated on that day – although, in the popular Catholic tradition in some countries, such as Brazil, the 29th of June is eminently dedicated to Saint Peter. But what are the reasons that led to choosing this day to celebrate the memory of these saints?
There are two main hypotheses for the origin of the celebration of St. Peter's Day:
1. Some investigations by historians and archaeologists point to the fact that Pedro would have been killed on June 29, 64 AD. Ç. The Catholic tradition, for its part, points to the fact that São Paulo may have been killed, if not on the same day, at least at the same time, given that this is the period in which Nero ruled the EmpireRoman and the persecution of Christians was relentless. Nero was responsible for the Rome fire, which was carried out on June 18, 64 d. Ç.
The blame for the fire was attributed to the Christians and, in the years that followed, the persecution and the deaths that would befall this people became ubiquitous in the Roman domains. Peter was crucified to death upside down. Paul was beheaded. Many other Christian martyrs at this time were thrown into the Coliseum to be devoured by hungry lions.
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2.In addition to the fact that June 29 was identified with Peter's death, it was also on that day that the pagan cult of the brothers was practiced. Romulus and Remus, considered the mythical founders of the Latin city. With the advance of Christianity in the West, the day of worship for the twin brothers was Christianized and gradually replaced by the celebration of the two main apostles of Christendom, those already mentioned Peter and Paul.
The fact is that this celebration is older than the christmas date and it also occurs in the orthodox church, but on June 12th, as the Orthodox do not follow the Gregorian calendar, like the Catholics, but the Julian calendar, prior to the reform of the Pope Gregory XIII.
St. Peter's Day is also opportune to recall the trajectory of this apostle, who, even in the first half of the 1st century BC. C., crossed Palestine and came to settle in the city of Antioch, in present-day Turkey. Soon afterward he went to Rome and began promoting the ordination of bishops and priests. Peter's spiritual and institutional strength played a tremendous role in shaping Christianity.
In the traditions of popular Catholicism, especially in Brazil, St. Peter's Day is celebrated with bonfire, fireworks, typical foods, square dancing and other components of the parties juninas.
By Me. Cláudio Fernandes
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FERNANDES, Claudio. "June 29—St. Peter's Day"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.